时序图Sequence Diagram 时序图(SequenceDiagram),又名序列图、循序图,是一种UML交互图。它通过描述对象之间发送消息的时间顺序显示多个对象之间的动态协作。 时序图的元素 我们在画时序图时会涉及7种元素:角色(Actor)、对象(Object)、生命线(LifeLine)、控制焦点(Activation)、消息(Message)、自关联消息、组合片段。...
序列框图(Sequence Diagram)简介 序列框圖(Sequence Diagram)簡介 以時間順序顯示物件交互的圖。實際上,它顯示了參與交互的物件和所交互資訊的順序。序列框圖例子如下:交互(Interaction)
点击sequence diagram选中视图,选择右下角Editors -> Properties -> showSequenceNumber,可以显示/隐藏序列号。 Editors -> Properties -> showSequenceNumber 扫码安装简书客户端 畅享全文阅读体验 扫码后在手机中选择通过第三方浏览器下载
EA&UML日拱一卒--序列图(Sequence Diagram)::循环 相信只要用过时序图,就一定用过循环(loop),但是你还真就不一定发挥了它的所有能力,不信你就继续看。 语义 一 个循环片段可以有重复的上限和下限,以及一个布尔条件,该条件利用来自片段中一条生命线的值。在每次循环开始的时候,如果布尔条件为真,循环体就会被...
Sequence Diagrams show elements as they interact over time and they are organized according to object (horizontally) and time (vertically) 水平方向是角色,竖直方向是时间,这些元素交互是基于时间的 参考:https://www.visual-paradigm.com/guide/uml-unified-modeling-language/what-is-sequence-diagram/ ...
frames由一些sequence diagram区域(region)组成(region由sequence diagram片断组成)。每一个frame都有一个操作符(operator),每一个片断都有一个条件(guard)。 对于循环,操作符是loop,只有一个片断,条件是迭代所有的成员。 对于条件判断,操作符是alt,两个片断各有一个条件,只有条件为真的片断才执行。
loop (min, max) [guard condition] ? loop operator – –– Combined Interaction Fragments UML2.0 ? opt Combined Interaction Fragments UML2.0 ? loop Summary UML2.0 ? Sequence diagram – The UML sequence diagram adds the dimension of time to object interactions. lifeline, creating, destroying, ...
Destructionindicates when an object or actor is done participating in a system. A large X appears at the end of its lifeline. To show destruction of an object in a diagram: Right-click the object, and selectShow Destruction. See Also ...
loop The “loop” fragment repeats multiple times in a row. neg The “neg” or negative fragment represents invalid interactions. ref The “ref” or reference fragment indicates an interaction defined on another diagram. Back to top How to Make a Sequence Diagram The first thing you will ...
A UML sequence diagram shows how a set of objects interact in a processover time. It shows the messages that pass between participants and objects in the system, and the order in which they occur. To build a sequence diagram, use aUML Sequencetemplate or starter diagram, which includes the...