时序图Sequence Diagram 时序图(SequenceDiagram),又名序列图、循序图,是一种UML交互图。它通过描述对象之间发送消息的时间顺序显示多个对象之间的动态协作。 时序图的元素 我们在画时序图时会涉及7种元素:角色(Actor)、对象(Object)、生命线(LifeLine)、控制焦点(Activation)、消息(Message)、自关联消息、组合片段。...
EA&UML日拱一卒--序列图(Sequence Diagram)::条件执行 序列图提供了一种Fragment(片段),用来表现条件执行,循环,并发等情况。具体使用哪种Fragment,通过以下的对话框来选择。 今天先说条件执行相关的Fragment。 alt(alternative) alt用于表现条件执行的程序构造。和alt对应的程序结构可以是if/else结构,也可以是swtich结...
@enduml在Java类中编写PlantUML代码后,你可以通过右键单击代码编辑器中的代码块,选择“Diagram” -> “Show Diagram”来生成时序图。你也可以使用快捷键“Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U”(Windows/Linux)或“Cmd+Option+Shift+U”(macOS)来快速生成时序图。 生成的时序图将显示在当前编辑器窗口中。你可以使用鼠标悬停在图表上...
A sequence diagram is one of the multiple types of system interaction diagrams used within Unified Modeling Language (UML) to visually represent interactions between the objects that live within a system. Specifically, sequence diagrams provide a view of the order in which those interactions occur th...
A sequence fragment is a box around a section of the diagram with a label that describes its purpose. Here are some of the types of fragments that you might need in order to accurately describe a process in your sequence diagram. alt The “alt” or alternative fragment represents mutually ...
The guards can't indicate that a set of guards are mutually exclusive, such as the 59 Table 4.1 Common Operators for Interaction Frames Operator alt opt par loop region neg ref sd Meaning Alternative multiple fragments; only the one whose condition is true will execute (Figure 4.4). Optional...
Learn more about the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.KnownMonikers.SequenceDiagram in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging namespace.
frames由一些sequence diagram区域(region)组成(region由sequence diagram片断组成)。每一个frame都有一个操作符(operator),每一个片断都有一个条件(guard)。 对于循环,操作符是loop,只有一个片断,条件是迭代所有的成员。 对于条件判断,操作符是alt,两个片断各有一个条件,只有条件为真的片断才执行。
To indicate a system error, the interaction operator "negative" is used, meaning the combined fragment contains invalid traces. The operator is used, for example, when you display a log-in procedure using a sequence diagram. Model the lifeline of an actor on the way to time-out, and frame...
Now the problem with sequence diagram is that you need to draw a diagram, you need to use 13 00:01:07,539 --> 00:01:13,099 a tool for example draw.io or something equivalent and you need to draw sequence diagram which 14