UML时序图(Sequence Diagram) 时序图Sequence Diagram 时序图(SequenceDiagram),又名序列图、循序图,是一种UML交互图。它通过描述对象之间发送消息的时间顺序显示多个对象之间的动态协作。 时序图的元素 我们在画时序图时会涉及7种元素:角色(Actor)、对象(Object)、生命线(LifeLine)、控制焦点(Activation)、消息(Messag...
EA&UML日拱一卒--序列图(Sequence Diagram)::条件执行 序列图提供了一种Fragment(片段),用来表现条件执行,循环,并发等情况。具体使用哪种Fragment,通过以下的对话框来选择。 今天先说条件执行相关的Fragment。 alt(alternative) alt用于表现条件执行的程序构造。和alt对应的程序结构可以是if/else结构,也可以是swtich结...
There is also an interaction occurrence, which is similar to a combined fragment. An interaction occurrence is a reference to another diagram which has the word "ref" in the top left corner of the frame, and has the name of the referenced diagram shown in the middle of the frame. Gate A...
Control—shows a period of time during which an object is performing an action requested by the message received, i.e., we can visually show the period of the execution of specific procedure; if we have nested procedure calls then we can visually as soon as possible show the possible bottle...
SequenceDiagram: Add support for multiple alt else statements #641 Merged tylerlong merged 5 commits into mermaid-js:master from sopherio:master Mar 16, 2018 Merged SequenceDiagram: Add support for multiple alt else statements #641 tylerlong merged 5 commits into mermaid-js:master from so...
Nested lifeline can be used, and it is possible to add a color on the lifeline. @startuml participant User User -> A: DoWork activate A #FFBBBB A -> A: Internal call activate A #DarkSalmon A -> B: << createRequest >> activate B B --> A: RequestCreated deactivate B ...
Learn more about the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.KnownMonikers.SequenceDiagram in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging namespace.
UML 2.X sequence diagramformal semanticsnested combined fragmentpartial order theoryEvent-BUML 2.X sequence diagrams(SD)are among privileged scenarios-based approaches dealing with the complexity of modeling the behaviors of some current systems.However,there are several issues related to the standard ...
For example, it blocks nested tracks of a parallel, combined fragment in the sequence diagram. The critical section within a combined fragment with parallel interaction operator prevents multiple processes from using a resource at the same time. Here the hotline forwards calls with the topic gas ...
can be depicted so beautifully with sequence diagram, nothing comes closer to that 12 00:01:02,338 --> 00:01:07,539 Now the problem with sequence diagram is that you need to draw a diagram, you need to use 13 00:01:07,539 --> 00:01:13,099 ...