Generate a Sequence of Length of the passed Argument in R Programming - seq_along() Function R语言中的 seq_along()函数用于生成与传递的参数长度相同的序列. 语法:seq_along(x) 参数:x:指定参数 示例1: # R program to illustrate # seq_along function # Calling the seq_along() function seq_...
R語言中的seq_along()函數用於生成與傳入的參數長度相同的序列。 用法: seq_along(x) 參數:x:指定參數 範例1: # R program to illustrate # seq_along function # Calling the seq_along() function seq_along(letters[1:4]) seq_along(letters[0:3]) 輸出: [1] 1 2 3 4 [1] 1 2 ...
R语言使用seq函数生成数据序列、seq函数在指定范围内生成固定长度的序列、指定数据序列的第一个数值、最后一个数值以及另外一个数据序列(along.with) R语言内置函数(Built-in Functions) R中几乎所有的事情都是通过函数完成的。 R语言使用seq函数生成数据序列、使用rep函数对数据对象的内容进行自定义复制扩增、使用cut函...
Java 8 的Stream API 提供了不少可替代Java 集合框架的操作。但是不少同学在学习和使用Stream时依然感到...
jsp页面 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF...
ShinyApps - Publications containing figures made by SeqPlots Chen RA, Stempor P, Down TA, Zeiser E, Feuer SK, Ahringer J.Extreme HOT regions are CpG-dense promoters in C. elegans and humans.Genome Res 24(7):1138-1146 Jul 2014 ...
Plots showing GRO-seq read distribution in the along start and end sites of various non-coding RNA genes.Schraga SchwartzRam OrenGil Ast
The argasid tick Ornithodoros erraticus is the main vector of tick-borne human relapsing fever (TBRF) and African swine fever (ASF) in the Mediterranean Basin. Tick salivary proteins secreted to the host at the feeding interface play critical roles for t
Ewas, M., Gao, Y.Q., Ali, F., Nishawy, E.M., Shahzad, R., Subthain, H., Amar, M., Martin, C., and Luo, J. (2017). RNA-seq reveals mechanisms of SlMX1 for enhanced carotenoids and terpenoids accumulation along with stress resistance in tomato. Sci. Bull. (Beijing) 62: ...
Results Transcriptome assembly resulted in 22,007 transcripts and 18,961 annotated transcripts, which represent 86.15% of annotation success. Most salivary gene expression took place during the first 7 days after feeding (2088 upregulated transcripts), while only a few genes (122 upregulated ...