for(i in seq_along(df)) { df[[i]] = rescale01(df[[i]]) } 通常来说,你可以用这种循环来修改一个列表或数据框,注意这里是用[[ ]], 而不是[ ]. 因为原子向量最好用[[ ]], 这样能清楚地表明你处理的是一个单独的元(而不是子集)。 (2) 循环模式 · 根据数值索引:for(i in seq_along(...
Java 8 的Stream API 提供了不少可替代Java 集合框架的操作。但是不少同学在学习和使用Stream时依然感到...
jsp页面 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF...
set.seed(10) guideSet <- guideSet[sample(seq_along((guideSet)),20)] Several accessor functions are provided to extract information about the spacer sequences: spacers(guideSet) ## DNAStringSet object of length 20: ## width seq names ## [1] 20 CCGAGTTGCTGCGCTGCTGC spacer_107 ## [...
Lorenzo Fanchi, Olga I. Zolotareva, Saskia Hemmers, Ekaterina V. Putintseva, Anna S. Obraztsova, Mikhail Shugay, Ravshan I. Ataullakhanov, Alexander Y. Rudensky, Ton N. Schumacher & Dmitriy M. Chudakov. "Antigen receptor repertoire profiling from RNA-seq data."Nature Biotechnology35, 908...
Illumina/TruSeq DNA PCR-Free HT Library Preparation Kit (96 indexes in plate format, 96 samples)/FC-121-3003/1 Ea Illumina 产品编号: FC-121-3003美 元 价: $3000.00会 员 价: 待定品 牌: Illumina产 地: 美国公 司: Illumina, Inc.产品分类: 分子类>二代测序>DNA文库制备试剂盒公司分类: Lib...
1b). The 1st primers contained pairs of sequences to amplify the target regions and extended sequences containing R1 and R2 seq primers. The 2nd primers contained the extended sequences along with Illumina flow-cell binding sites and different 8-bp indexes. Each sample (cultivar or seedling...
Our automated 4i method uses off-the-shelf antibodies over multiple cycles of staining, imaging, and antibody elution to build highly multiplexed maps of cell types and pathological features in mouse and postmortem human spinal cord sections. Given the widespread availability of HiSeq 2500 platforms...
Regardless of whether it becomes a fully functional implementation of Clojure or not, I will have learned a lot along the way. QAs What is Clojerl? Clojerl is an experimental implementation of Clojure on the Erlang VM. Its goal is to leverage the features and abstractions of Clojure that ...
for(i in seq_along(df)) { df[[i]] = rescale01(df[[i]]) } 通常来说,你可以用这种循环来修改一个列表或数据框,注意这里是用[[ ]], 而不是[ ]. 因为原子向量最好用[[ ]], 这样能清楚地表明你处理的是一个单独的元(而不是子集)。 (2) 循环模式 · 根据数值索引:for(i in seq_along(...