THE SEPARATION OF POWERS IN A POST-APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICAStephen EllmannLouis HenkinNancy RosenbloomPeter Strauss
Results propose a separation of IN-active reads with higher shares occurring in precipitation. This study presents the first comparison of free tropospheric bacterial and fungal abundance and diversity in time series of air over several seasons in contrast to various precipitation forms in the free ...
Stephen EllmannLouis HenkinNancy RosenbloomPeter Straussam.u.j.intl l. & polyStephen Ellmann, The Separation of Powers in a Post-Apartheid South Africa, „American University International Law Review", vol. 8, Issue 2/3, 1993.
Labuschagne "The doctrine of separation of powers and its application in South Africa" 2004 Politeia Vol 23, 84 Labuschagne P 2004 "The doctrine of separation of powers and its application in South Africa" Politeia Vol 23 84-102Labuchagne, P. (2004). The doctrine of separation of powers ...
The recent democratic transitions occurring in the African nations of South Africa and Uganda provide a unique, contemporary insight into the formation of a constitutional jurisprudence. This study is an examination of pivotal cases decided by the Constitutional Courts of South Africa and Uganda, the ...
The article analyse this phenomenon and outlines the potential impact thereof on the principle of the separation of powers in South Africa.Pieter Labuschagne
Political and Administrative Dichotomy in South Africa: The Principle of Separation of Powers at Local Government LevelVilakazi, Sihle AshiaCotties, ToyinActa Universitatis Danubius. Administratio
The doctrine of the separation of powers remains an enigma inSouth African law. Despite promising that 'a distinctively SouthAfrica model of separation of powers' will be developed overtime, the Constitutional Court has made little effort to do so explicitly.This article argues that all separation...