Labuschagne "The doctrine of separation of powers and its application in South Africa" 2004 Politeia Vol 23, 84 Labuschagne P 2004 "The doctrine of separation of powers and its application in South Africa" Politeia Vol 23 84-102Labuchagne, P. (2004). The doctrine of separation of powers ...
O' Regan, K `Checks and Balances: Reflections On the Development of the Doctrine of Separation of Powers Under the South Africa Constitution' FW De Klerk Memorial Lecture Delivered at Potchefstroom 10 October 2005. O'Regan, K. (2005) `Checks and balances: Reflections on the development of...
a character in German folklore and literature, who agrees to surrender his soul to an evil spirit (in some treatments, Mephistopheles, or Mephisto, a representative of Satan) after a certain period of time in exchange for otherwise unattainable knowledge and magical powers that give him access to...
Patently, no complete separation of the use of atomic power for peace and war may be practically possible. If India creates e.g. its own thorium reactors for civilian power (and we have vast thorium reserves, the nuclear fuel of the future), and then miniaturised these somehow to ...
of our globe in fact and is described in an Esoteric Commentary as the “Head” of Mother Earth, while the South Pole is called her feet, the Himalayas are called her belt, and the heart of the Earth “beats under the foot of the sacred Shambalah.” So it was on the seven zones ...
Currently Mexico recognizes same-sex marriage in several states. The Mexican Supreme Court has been instrumental in this recognition, advancing an interpretation of marriage outside its historical and textual interpretation. The current state of same-sex
SouthAfrica model of separation of powers' will be developed overtime, the Constitutional Court has made little effort to do so explicitly.This article argues that all separation of powers doctrines area practical matter of constitutional design underpinned bypolitical theory and a theory of state. ...
South AfricaKpegahSeparation of PowersThis article describes the development and current status of the political question doctrine theme in South African jurisprudence. It does this through a compardoi:10.1163/17087384-12342055MhangoMtendewekaSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
SOUTH AfricaLOCKE, John, 1632-1704JUDICIAL powerHEGEMONYSEPARATION of powersThe main aim of this paper is to deconstruct the Trias Politica Doctrine in the South African context, with specific reference to the influence and power of the judiciary over the othe...