其中,因为我们需要下载Sentinel-2的2级产品,因此就选中“Sentinel-2 L2A”这一卫星,表示我们将要下载L2A级的Sentinel-2数据产品;如下图所示。此外,在右侧的地图中,首先在最右侧的工具栏中选中对应工具,则可通过鼠标绘制感兴趣区,作为下载遥感影像的地区。 此外有一点需要注意:如果需要下载某个时间范围内的所有...
1、首先准备好一景S2_L1C的影像,将影像解压。解压最好选用“解压到当前文件夹”命令,这样可以直接获得“.SAFE”为后缀的文件夹,便于后续操作。 2、在“.SAFE”为后缀的文件夹存放路径下,“按住Shift单击右键-在此处打开命令窗口”打开命令行窗口,此时命令行的路径即为影像存储路径 3、输入命令“L2A_Process + 对...
Sentinel -2A 卫星数据处理分析及在干旱河谷提取中的应用 · 131· 2.2 数据预处理 利用裁剪后的 L1C 级别数据,将其导入 SNAP 软件中,调用 SNAP 软件中 sen2cor 处理模块,选取 输出数据精度为 10 m,分别对研究区数据进行大气 下垫面发射率校正,卷云和地形校正处理,生成研究 区 L2A 级别数据及气溶胶光学厚度,...
Here we show that cirrus as well as opaque cloud cover in Sentinel-2 Level-1C (L1C) and Level-2A (L2A) imagery is systematically and significantly overestimated in very high altitude areas (e.g. Himalayas, Andes). We argue that this systematic bias is created by applying simple thresholds...
(in particular version 2A) tends to overestimate clouds under specific land cover types, such as mountains, open/enclosed water bodies, and coastal environments. Considering that the L1C and L2A versions of KappaMask are fine-tuned on a relatively small dataset from Northern Europe, it is ...
For instance, in GEE or SentinelHub, L1C data is available since June 2015, while for L2A that is only the case since March 2017, which corresponds to the date the official product started to being distributed by ESA using the Sen2Cor processor. Yet, in other official data hubs, such ...
The current Sentinel-2A L1C cloud product performs poorly (Coluzzi et al., 2018) and so the SEN2COR 20 m cloud mask (Müller-Wilm, 2016) was used. The 20 m Sentinel-2A observations (or four 10 m observations) labelled as high or medium confidence cloud were discarded. No ...
Microwave and optical imaging methods react differently to different land surface parameters and, thus, provide highly complementary information. However, the contribution of individual features from these two domains of the electromagnetic spectrum for
Hence, the straightforward way to super-resolve S2 would be to use L1C together with PS images. However, L2A of S2 is the most widely used for a wide variety of tasks, since it better represents ground’s reflectance. Therefore, we preferred to work on this processing level. To do so,...
Level-1C (L1C) top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance products for Sentinel-2 tiles capturing the legal Delta boundary (10SFH, 10SFG and 10SEH) were downloaded from the Copernicus Open Access Hub for each of the three match-up dates listed in Table 2. Products were atmospherically corrected t...