CloudSEN12 comprises different free and open datasets provided by several public institutions and made accessible by the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform37. These include Sentinel-2A/B (SEN2), Sentinel-1A/B (SEN1), Multi-Error-Removed Improved-Terrain (MERIT) DEM38, Global Surface Water39(...
CNES, the French Space Agency, was involved in the commissioning of both Sentinel-2 satellites and is currently working in collaboration with ESA on their long-term monitoring. This paper reviews all the techniques used to ensure an absolute calibration of the 13 spectral bands to better than ...
如何下载sentinel-2数据并且做大气校正、打开图像 L2A_Process前加.\继续尝试 成功界面如下 最后新建的2级数据与处理的一级数据在同一目录下,名字有丁点不一样,1C变成了2A,切记,这个大气校正时间比较长,一定要等他校正结束!!!下面才是结束的样子...;--IMG_DATA–根据自己需要的波段分辨率选择,最后打开相应的JP2...
Table 1. State of target and environmental conditions for each acquisition. 2.4. Sentinel-2 Data Pre-Processing Sentinel-2 Level-1C and Level-2A data are downloaded after each acquisition from the Copernicus Open Access Hub. All Sentinel-2 L1C images are atmospherically corrected with the ACOLITE...
Sentinel-2 data were firstly processed from Level-1C to Level-2A surface reflectance using a Sen2Cor—ESA Sentinel-2 Level 2A processor ( (accessed on 30 October 2019)). Cirrus cloud correction was done during the Level-1C to Lev...
Fig. 2. Study area and data availability. (a): study area with locations of training and validation data (colored polygons); (b): number of Sentinel-1A/B acquisitions for 2017; (c):number of clear-sky, non-snow Sentinel-2A/B observations for 2018. 3. Data 3.1. Independent variables ...
We used Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data from the Copernicus program of the European Space Agency (see Table S1 for details). We resampled all the imageries to a 10-meter grid using the nearest neighbor approach. Sentinel-2 Level 2A products with a cloud cover < 70% comprising the study re...
Sentinel-1 需要详细数据加qq群:439743769 1、2019年10月16号中国地区sentinel-2云量低于30%的数据总计1249景,其中Level-2A为636景,Level-1C为613景 2、2019年10月16号中国地区sentinel-1数据总计297景,其中SLC为78景,GRD为76景,OCN为13景,RAW为76景 Sentinel数据下载2019-10-13中国地区 需要详细数据加qq群...
第3 期杨斌,等: Sentinel -2A 卫星数据处理分析及在干旱河谷提取中的应用 · 129· 且参数相近的陆地资源观测遥感卫星 Landsat8,分 别从波段设置,波长范围,幅宽大小,空间分辨率,时 间分辨率和辐射分辨率等基本特征参数对这 2 种卫 星数据进行对比,如表 1 所示. 波段 波段 号 名称 1 深蓝 2蓝 3绿 4红 8...