Sentinel-2 is based on two identical satellites (Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B) that move in a sun-synchronous orbit with an average altitude of 786 km. Sentinel-2A was launched in 2015 with the MSI sensor. Sentinel-2A has two levels of processing (level-1C and level-2A). The top of...
CloudSEN12 comprises different free and open datasets provided by several public institutions and made accessible by the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform37. These include Sentinel-2A/B (SEN2), Sentinel-1A/B (SEN1), Multi-Error-Removed Improved-Terrain (MERIT) DEM38, Global Surface Water39(...
This manuscript provides the descriptions of our SeaDAS implementations of Sentinel-2A MSI (Level-1C) data processing and the associated qualitative and quantitative validations of the remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) products, which are critical for the retrievals of water constituents products like the...
CNES, the French Space Agency, was involved in the commissioning of both Sentinel-2 satellites and is currently working in collaboration with ESA on their long-term monitoring. This paper reviews all the techniques used to ensure an absolute calibration of the 13 spectral bands to better than ...
The adjustment factors were drawn from a multivariate Gaussian kernel with a null mean and an optimized bandwidth (Equation (2)). The bandwidth was estimated using the Sheather-Jones method, which is generic and close to optimal [62]. 𝐂classKernel∼𝑁(𝜇,Σ)CKernelclass∼N(μ,Σ...
[23]. The S2 imageries in the GEE were provided by the Copernicus program of the European Space Agency [24] as level 2A. Level 2A products of S2 provide bottom of atmosphere (BOA) reflectance images that were derived from the associated level–1C products. Specifically, each S2 level–2A...
Fig. 2. Study area and data availability. (a): study area with locations of training and validation data (colored polygons); (b): number of Sentinel-1A/B acquisitions for 2017; (c):number of clear-sky, non-snow Sentinel-2A/B observations for 2018. 3. Data 3.1. Independent variables ...
Except for band 1, which has a spatial resolution of 60 m, Sentinel-2 bands have a spatial resolution of 10–20 m. We used a 2A-level product, which provides Bottom-of-Atmosphere (BOA) reflectance and is systematically generated over Europe. Elaborations were conducted using the Sentinel ...
第3 期杨斌,等: Sentinel -2A 卫星数据处理分析及在干旱河谷提取中的应用 · 129· 且参数相近的陆地资源观测遥感卫星 Landsat8,分 别从波段设置,波长范围,幅宽大小,空间分辨率,时 间分辨率和辐射分辨率等基本特征参数对这 2 种卫 星数据进行对比,如表 1 所示. 波段 波段 号 名称 1 深蓝 2蓝 3绿 4红 8...
Surface water salt intrusion affects livelihoods and the environment by degrading soil and water quality and reducing agriculture production. Remote sensin