sensory cortex noun the region of the cerebral cortex concerned with receiving and interpreting sensory information from various parts of the body. AnyClip Product Demo 2022 AnyClip Product Demo 2022 NOW PLAYING Feature Vignette: Live Feature Vignette: Management...
This definition yielded a response latency of 58 ms (mean=58, 95% confidence interval = [57,59]) with the window being defined as 58–78 ms following visual display onset. Sorting responses by reaction time Several analyses were conditioned on sorting trials by behavioral reaction ...
Define sensory. sensory synonyms, sensory pronunciation, sensory translation, English dictionary definition of sensory. adj. 1. Of or relating to the senses or sensation. 2. Transmitting impulses from sense organs to nerve centers; afferent. American Her
The sensory cortex is defined as a principal integrator of signals related to an animal's behavioral state, rather than just representing the external world. It plays a crucial role in processing information exchanged between movement-related and sensory cortical regions to mediate sensation, perception...
3.sensory- relating to or concerned in sensation; "the sensory cortex"; "sensory organs" sensational Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. sensory adjective 1.Of or relating to sensation or the senses: ...
(e.g., Rolls et al.1977). If the categories were represented in the visual cortex, then the firing properties of visual cortical cells should change when the category memberships are switched. For example, similar studies have found changes in the responses of cells in other brain areas (e...
(Fig.5e). It is worth noting that the same early selection can also be seen in the upper, and to a lesser extent, lower layers of the cortex. This is perhaps unsurprising as any feedforward propagation of the selection signal should flow from the middle input layers through the remainder...
Which lobes of the cerebral cortex process sensory information? Which of the following about sensory cells is true? a. sensory cells convert physical and chemical stimuli from the environment into signals that are transmitted to other parts of the nervous system b. the opening or closing of ion...
The meaning of SENSORY AREA is an area of the cerebral cortex that receives afferent nerve fibers from lower sensory or motor areas.
Looking for online definition of sensory integration in the Medical Dictionary? sensory integration explanation free. What is sensory integration? Meaning of sensory integration medical term. What does sensory integration mean?