Exploring structure and function of sensory cortex with 7 T MRIdoi:10.1016/J.NEUROIMAGE.2017.01.081Denis SchluppeckRosa-Maria Sánchez-PanchueloSusan T. FrancisElsevier
SensoryFunctionofNervousSystem 一、脊髓与脑干的感觉功能 SensoryfunctionofSpinalcord&brainstem 感觉传导路由三级神经元组成:第Ⅰ级神经元:胞体位于脊髓后根神经节 或脑神经感觉神经节第Ⅱ级神经元:胞体位于脊髓后角细胞及 延髓薄束核、楔束核或脑干脑神经核第Ⅲ级神经元:胞体位于丘脑感觉接替核 (一)躯体感觉传入通路...
Sensorimotor function refers to the integration of sensory information and motor responses, often studied using tasks like the memory-guided response task to understand how the brain processes and coordinates sensory inputs with motor actions.
The most important sensory area is the parietal cortex segment of the postcentral gyrus. In addition, its corresponding part of the paracentral lobe plays a very important sensory role. These zones are calledsomatosensory region I. 最重要的感觉区域是中央后回的顶叶皮层部分。此外,其对应的旁中心叶部...
Time processing is particularly important for auditory perception. Perception is formed as much by the present stimulus as by the history of preceding stimuli; it is an interaction between the representation of new events and memory of past events. Sensory cortex constantly reshapes responses to pres...
A final component of the cerebral cortex are several collections of neuronal cell bodies buried within the white matter called subcortical structures.Terminology English: CerebrumLatin: Prosencephalon Function High-order cognitive processes, control of voluntary movement, perception of sensory stimuliLearn ...
This shows that characterizing brain areas based on their structure–function relation reveals a macroscale organization of the cortex placing at one side (low structural-decoupling index) areas related to lower-level functions (sensory, motor), while at the other (high decoupling) more complex ...
近期研究表明结构-功能耦合具有区域非均匀性(heterogeneous),例如结构和功能连通性轮廓(profiles)在感觉(单模态)(sensory /unimodal cortex)皮层上密切相关,但在跨模态皮层(transmodal)中逐渐解耦。沿着这种单模态-跨模态梯度的(unimodal-transmodal gradient)结构和功能的系统解耦被认为反映了微结构特性的分化,包括分子、...
Since behavioral observations cannot provide objective information about preservation of sensory function, we have developed a technique for reliably recording somatosensory evoked potentials in neonatal sheep. We determined anatomic criteria for placement of recording electrodes over the somatosensory cortex ...
In the case ofworking memory, the lateral frontal cortex in primates, already implicated in the spatial delayed response task, was known to contain cells that exhibited activity in delay periods [24] in response to stimuli in a number of sensory modalities. Goldman-Rakic [71] in particular sug...