M. Sensory and motor mechanisms of oculomotor inhibition of return. Exp. Brain Res. Exp. 218, 441-453 (2012).Wang, Z. G., Satel, J., & Klein, R. M. (2012). Sensory and motor mechanisms of oculomotor inhibition of return. Experimental Brain Research, 218(3), 441-453....
Figure 49.33 Review of contraction in a skeletal muscle fiber ACh Synaptic terminal of motor neuron Synaptic cleft T TUBULE PLASMA MEMBRANE SR ADP CYTOSOL Action potential is propa- gated along plasma membrane and down T tubules. Action potential triggers Ca2+ release from sarco- plasmic reticulum ...
Both motor mechanisms are probably needed to provide the high sensitivity and frequency discrimination of the mammalian cochlea.doi:10.1038/nrn1828Fettiplace, RobertHackney, Carole M.Nature Reviews NeuroscienceFettiplace R, Hackney CM (2006) The sensory and motor roles of auditory hair cells. Nat ...
CHAPTER 3.2 - Serotonin and Basal Sensory–Motor Control This chapter provides a brief synopsis of the essential role of brain serotonergic neurons in the integration of sensory input and motoric output. Although serotonin neurons are proportionally small numerically in the brain, the serotoni... RJ...
identified four subgroups of patients showing different pathomechanisms of fecal incontinence: severe combined anorectal motor and sensory dysfunction, isolated anal sphincter dysfunction, isolated anorectal sensory dysfunction, and combined dysfunction of the internal anal sphincter and impaired anorectal ...
The prefrontal cortex receives a variety of sensory information and plays critical roles in representing, processing, and integrating sensory information to accomplish various cognitive activities. The lateral prefrontal cortex receives visual, auditory,
In addition to sharing binocular disparity as a primary stimulus, both motor and sensory fusion mechanisms go through sensitive periods of devel opment during early life.15-26 When an infant's visual experience is normal throughout the sensitive period, then the motor and sensory fusion ...
Neural mechanisms underlying “pain inhibiting pain” are not fully understood. Here authors show that a neuronal ensemble of the bilateral secondary somatosensory cortex responds to noxious stimulus signals from diverse body regions, and define the intra-somatosensory cortical circuits mediating pain-induce...
Goal-directed grasping and manipulation of objects are human skills that depend on automatic sensory control in which predictive feed-forward mechanisms integrate somatosensory and visual signals with sensory-motor memory systems. Memory representations of physical and task-relevant properties of the object...
Hyperventilation-induced hypocapnia affects hemodynamic function and enhances colonic motility. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of hypocapnic hyperventilation on colonic motility and sensation in health and to explore the putative neurohumoral mechanisms. In experiment 1, colonic tone...