Actuators A 178 (2012) 76– 87Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectSensors and Actuators A: Physicalj ourna l h o me pa ge: and theoretical studies on MEMS piezoelectric vibrational energyharvesters with mass loadingRobert Andosca a,b , T. ...
内容提示: Sensors and Actuators A:Physical 1.Introduction At present several wireless capsule endoscopy systems areavailable on the market(Given Imaging,Olympus EndoCapsule)[1].Although appealing to the patient for comfort reasons,they lack three major properties:adequate image resolution (256×256 ...
Sensors and Actuators A:Physical 1.Introduction At present several wireless capsule endoscopy systems areavailable on the market(Given Imaging,Olympus EndoCapsule)[1].Although appealing to the patient for comfort reasons,they lack three major properties:adequate image resolution (256×256 pixels),...
0924-4247 DESCRIPTION . Sensors and Actuators A: Physical brings together multidisciplinary interests in one journal entirely devoted to disseminating information on all aspects of research and development of solid-state devices for transducing physical signals. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical regularly ...
Sensors and Actuators B Chemical:传感器和执行器B化学 热度: 折半传感器和执行器 热度: 智能传感器和执行器 热度: SensorsandActuatorsA189(2013)177–181 ContentslistsavailableatSciVerseScienceDirect SensorsandActuatorsA:Physical ...
214 M. Asad et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 220 (2014) 213–220 water medium. This decoration process induces strong chemical bonding between PbS NPs and SWCNTs, which facilitates efficient carrier transport through NH matrices. 2. Experimental setup ...
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical影响因子在3分左右,目前实时影响因子为3515/1201=2.927,考虑到距离今年结束还有1个月,2020年IF突破3分还是有希望的。近年来,SNA期刊受到科研工作者的青睐,稿件质量逐渐上升,是笔者很看好的期刊之一。 数据来源于“iJournal”网站(点击访问) ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical brings together multidisciplinary interests in one journal entirely devoted to disseminating information on all aspects of research and development of solid-state devices for transducing physical signals. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical regularly publishes original papers,...
This paper introduces a single-mask-and-low-voltage electrothermal micromotor driven by four symmetrical V-shaped actuators and ratchet mechanism. The 2.5 mm-diameter micromotor has been fabricated successfully by using silicon on insulator (SOI) wafers and SOI-MEMS technology. The play of micromoto...
xed on a moveable stage. H. Xia et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 157 (2010) 307–312 309 Fig. 5. The applied electric ?eld for force measurement. gels was in the form of a sandwich between the two electrodes. The applied voltage was varied from 400 to 1000 V. 3. Results and ...