内容提示: Sensors and Actuators A 210 (2014) 95–98Contents lists available at ScienceDirectSensors and Actuators A: Physicalj ourna l h o mepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/snaAmpere force based photonic crystal fiber magnetic field sensorSun-jie Qiu, Qi Liu, Fei Xu∗, Yan-qing LuNational...
本人打算投sensors and actuators A: physical,请问大家这个期刊有固定的模板吗??我是用tex编写的,有...
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A PHYSICAL物理传感器和致动器.pdf,SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A: PHYSICAL An international journal devoted to research and development of physical transducers AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS XXX . . • Description p.1 • Audi
devoted to disseminating information on all aspects of research and development of solid-state devices for transducing physical signals. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical regularly publishes original papers, letters to the Editors and from time to time invited review articles within the following device...
内容提示: Sensors and Actuators A:Physical 1.Introduction At present several wireless capsule endoscopy systems areavailable on the market(Given Imaging,Olympus EndoCapsule)[1].Although appealing to the patient for comfort reasons,they lack three major properties:adequate image resolution (256×256 ...
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical(SNA)致力于传播有关固态设备用于传感物理信号的研究和开发的各个方面的信息。作为国际知名的驱动器和传感器期刊,主要收录和机械仪器仪表,电子电气相关类的稿件。SNA期刊绿色的封面看起来很环保,很多能量回收类的稿件都选择SNA作为归宿。
Sensors and Actuators APhysical Sensors and Actuators A:Physical 1.Introduction At present several wireless capsule endoscopy systems areavailable on the market(Given Imaging,Olympus EndoCapsule)[1].Although appealing to the patient for comfort reasons,they lack three major properties:adequate image ...
G Chai et al /Sensors and Actuators A 150(2009) 184–187 185 and nano-tetrapods [15–17]have been studied. In particular,nano-tetrapods have demonstrated their potential applications [15–17]in gas sensing,and UV sensing. It should be noted that there are two main advantages of these ty...
124 H.-D. Zhang et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 219 (2014) 123–127 Fig. 1. (a) Photograph and (b) histogram showing the size distribution of aligned PMMA fibers. times larger than that of PANI nanofiber mat to alcohol vapor. Ji et al. ...
最近打算投Sensors and Actuators A:physical,为了其中的格式等要求绕了很大一个圈子,浪费了很多时间和...