#!/bin/bash # url will be a param been passed in url=$1 curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/endpoint -d "{\"payload\":\"$url\"
因此会一个POST请求会分成两份,一份是head,设置的HttpWebRequest的header信息等都会封装在第一个包里面,当调用request.GetRequest.Stream()时,会发送第一个HTTP包,把包头内容发送给url,得到一个http response,该包的状态信息为Status:Continue,此时向HttpWebRequest的GetRequestStream()里面写数据,则会用写入的数据发...
curl --proxy 'http://login:pw@proxy-hostname.com:port' -H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' Send POST request with JSON in cURL curl -X POST https://apiroad.net/post-json.php -H...
curl -k -X POST https://your-http-endpoint/your-credential/jsonrpc --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_syncing","params":[],"id":64}' Request example (with IAM token) curl -k -X POST 'X-Auth-Token:your-iam-token' https://your-http-endpoint/jsonrpc --data '{"jsonrpc"...
1、使用requests模块 import request url='http://www.xxx.com/xxx' data={'username':'zhangsan'...
I can send a POST request using binary data as a response body successfully using the normal POST request but I wanted to replicate the same behavior using the pre-request script. The only thing I am struggling with is the creation of the request body. For example, let’s say I have a...
curl -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -d "source=YOUR_APPKEY&sender_id=***&receiver_id=***&type=text&data=%7b%0a++++%22text%22%3a+%22%e7%ba%af%e6%96%87%e6%9c%ac%e5%93%8d%e5%ba%94%22%0a%7d" "https://m.api.weibo.com/2/messages/send.json" -k 2、图文类型...
// on Windows curl.exe -H"Content-Type:application/json"-d"{'text':'Hello World'}"<YOUR WEBHOOK URL> Note If the POST succeeds, you must see a simple1output bycurl. Check the Teams client for the new card posted. Send Adaptive Cards using an Incoming Webhook ...
For more information, see Register an App to request authorization tokens and work with APIs Console Copy curl -X POST 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tennant ID>/oauth2/token' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'...
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