在命令行中按下“Enter”键执行请求,cURL将会向指定的 URL 发送一个 POST 请求,其中包含我们指定的表...
Here, the “-X POST” option specifies that a POST request should be performed. The [URL] is the address of the server you want to send the request to, and [options] represent any additional parameters or settings you want to include with the request. When using the curl command with t...
示例1:curl -H “Content-Type:application/json” -X POST -d ‘{“post_data”:”i_love_mimvp.com”}’ ‘https://proxy.mimvp.com/ip.php’ 示例2:curl -H “Content-Type:application/json” -X POST -d ‘{“user”: “admin”, “passwd”:”12345678″}’ https://proxy.mimvp.com/login...
speed-time is set with -y and is 30 if not set. 其他选项 -0/--http1.0 (HTTP) 强制curl使用HTTP 1.0而不是使用默认的HTTP 1.1; --interface <name> 使用指定的网卡接口访问;curl --interface eth0 aiezu.comcurl --interface aiezu.com -X <command>--request <command> (HTTP)指定...
How to Send a POST Request with curl Before you begin this tutorial, you need to install curl on your computer. Run the following command to check if curl is installed: curl --version Copy If you get an error saying the command could not be found, you need to install the utility. ...
HTTP Requests with The cURL Command GET Request With the cURL Command HEAD Request With the cURL Command Extract the HTTP Header Debugging with the HTTP Headers HTTP Header With the Redirect Option POST Requests With the cURL Command Sending Data Using POST Method ...
Linux curl 命令模拟 POST/GET 请求 curl 命令,是一个利用URL规则在命令行下工作的文件传输工具。 curl 支持文件的上传和下载,所以是综合传输工具,但按传统,习惯称curl为下载工具。 作为一款强力工具,curl支持包括HTTP、HTTPS、FTP等众多协议,还支持 GET、POST、cookies、认证、从指定偏移处下载部分文件、用户代理...
1:linux下执行curl命令发送post请求 curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "referer:http://localhost" http://localhost:8080/test/file/import -d '{"param":"20210608"}' 1. H表示请求头,-d表示参数 参考案例: curl -v http://localhost:8080/JsonSendSms -d '{"mobile":"000000...
Copying any browser network request to a curl command When inspecting any network request using theChrome Developer Tools, you have the option to copy that request to a curl request: curl'https://github.com/curl/curl'-H'Connection: keep-alive'-H'Pragma: no-cache'-H'Cache-Control: no-cach...
-U/--proxy-user<user[:password]>设置代理用户名和密码 -w/--write-out [format] 什么输出完成后 -x/--proxy<host[:port]>在给定的端口上使用HTTP代理 -X/--request<command>指定什么命令 -y/--speed-time 放弃限速所要的时间,默认为30 -Y/--speed-limit 停止传输速度的限制,速度时间...