Use the SMS Sync column to notify a client application that it needs to synchronize data with the server. This notification is a message sent to the mobile device. If the client application on the device is programmed to listen for alerts and to act on them appropriately without user interven...
for example , client a,client b connect to my websocket server! if i want to send a hello to client a when i receive a message from client b. i find no api and nothing helpful from example. thanks!
Message string 状态码的描述。 OK BizId string 发送回执 ID。 可根据发送回执 ID 在接口 QuerySendDetails 中查询具体的发送状态。 9006197469364984*** RequestId string 请求ID。 F655A8D5-B967-440B-8683-DAD6FF8DE990 示例 正常返回示例 JSON格式 { "Code": "OK", "Message": "OK", "BizId": "900...
Email expiration in days Specifies the number of days before the status of an unsent message is set to Expired. A value of 0 means that the default period of 30 days is in effect.The Email history section serves two purposes. First, it provides an entry point to the Email histor...
ServiceBusSender sender = client.CreateSender(queueName); You can send a message to the queue by calling the ServiceBusSender.SendMessageAsync() method and passing a ServiceBusMessage.C# Copy // Create a new message to send to the queue. string messageContent = "Order...
Send at scale with SendGrid’s trusted email API and marketing campaigns platform, delivering 148+ billion emails for senders like you every month.
Internet environments (authentication and encryption required for message transmission) If your client connects to your ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance over the Internet, the SASL_SSL protocol is used for authentication and encryption. In Internet environments, a client uses the Secure Sockets L...
The NQA client is configured to send traps when the test fails. By default, the NQA client sends no trap when an NQA test fails. Run test-failtimes times The threshold on the traps sent after the NQA test fails is configured. The threshold specifies the maximum number of continuous test ...
I want to make a program that sends messages to another computer through network,for example on my computer the server form would be and on the another computer the client.And if possible the client also send msg to server formAll replies (4)...