2:25 p.m.- "What I hear from my constituents is the fear that Senate Bill 2 or programs like this is going to destroy what we share with our classmates…do you think that's going to happen?" - Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R-Brenham) "Not only do I not think that's going to happen. ...
2024年9月27日,美国加州州长签署了SB 1266法案(Senate Bill No. 1266),修订了《健康与安全法》中涉及环境健康部分与儿童产品安全相关的第108940和108941条,以及添加第108942条。自2026年1月1日起,法案禁止未成年喂养产品和未成年吸吮或出牙产品中含有双酚类物质。 ▼本次修订法案内容与现行法规要求,比较见下: S...
网络参议院法案;议案称为;美国参议院的议案 网络释义
"The Texas Senate's passage of SB 2 is the biggest launch of any universal school choice program in American history, with $1 billion in funding for 100,000 students," Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said in a statement Wednesday night.
Senate Bill No. 1771 来自 digital.library.unt.edu 喜欢 0 阅读量: 18 作者: SO State 摘要: An act to add Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 42800) to Part 4 of Division 26 of the Health and Safety Code, and to add Chapter 8.5 (commencing with Section 25730) to Division 15 of ...
After Senate Bill (SB) 1720, exempt students enrolling in colleges in Florida no longer have to take a college placement test or enroll in developmental education courses before enrolling in college-level classes. SB1720 caused Florida colleges to find new methods of placement for incoming students...
Since then, SB 58 hasworked its way through the Assembly. While opposition remained strong, the bill managed to eke out just enough votes to move on. On Thursday, the bill continued this trend. In the Assembly,it passed 43-15, but with a much larger than usual 22 Assemblymembers...
Bill to Strengthen New Mexico’s Child Welfare System Passes Senate Judiciary Committee Today in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senate Bill 42, a comprehensive piece of legislation designed to improve the state’s child welfare system, passed unanimously on a vote of 9-0. ...
SB207, sponsored by Sen. Beth Mizell (R-Franklinton) would require that any cell phone or additional communication devices should not be on “his person” or must be powered off and put away for the entire duration of the school day if brought to the campus. The bill states students will...
SENATE BILL REPORT SB 6092 As Reported by Senate Committee On: Environment, Energy & Technology, January 30, 2024 Title: An act relating to disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions. Brief Description: Concerning disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions. Sponsors: Senators Shewmake and Nguyen. Brief ...