2133 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF PENNSYLVANIA SENATE BILL 1415No. Session of 2014 INTRODUCED BY EICHELBERGER, WHITE AND GORDNER, JUNE 12, 2014 REFERRED TO BANKING AND INSURANCE, JUNE 12, 2014 AN ACT 1 Amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789, No.285), entitled, as 2 amended, "An act...
Senate Bill 162: Rules of the RoadAllen, Kandice MSaad, ChristineJ.marshall L.j
830 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF PENNSYLVANIA SENATE BILL 528No. Session of 2013 INTRODUCED BY LEACH, FARNESE AND FERLO, APRIL 3, 2013 REFERRED TO LAW AND JUSTICE, APRIL 3, 2013 AN ACT 1 Providing for personal use of marijuana, for lawful operation of 2 marijuana-related facilities, for general...
3, 2005 Filed with the Secretary of State January 3, 2005 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 3, 2005 STATE OF MICHIGAN 92ND LEGISLATURE REGULAR SESSION OF 2004 Introduced by Senators Patterson, Birkholz, Hardiman, Van Woerkom, Basham, Brater, Sanborn, Leland, Olshove and Garcia ENROLLED SENATE BILL No....
Robertson, Jones, Booher, Marleau, Brandenburg, Meekhof, Colbeck, Green, Hood, Anderson, Bieda, Emmons, Gleason, Gregory, Hansen, Hildenbrand, Hopgood, Hune, Hunter, Jansen, Johnson, Kowall, Moolenaar, Nofs, Pappageorge, Richardville, Rocca, Smith, Warren and Whitmer ENROLLED SENATE BILL No....
10 • MAY 13, 2013 HIGHLIGHTS IN THIS ISSUE Senate Begins Consideration of WRDA Bill Senate Begins Consideration of WRDA Bill...1 In Memoriam: Frank Stegbauer...2 White House Releases Ocean Policy Final Implementation Plan...3 AWO Urges Coast Guard to Develop Designated Medical Examiner Prog...
Under a proposal in a new conference report from the Senate and House Armed Services Committees' annual defense policy bill, the Department of Defense must hold a high-level exercise and walk through how they would sup- port civilian agencies. Such an exercise would include U.S. Cyber Command...
december 24, 2009 ordered to be printed as passed ii in the senate of the united states, december 24, 2009. resolved, that the bill from the house of representa- tives (h.r. 3590) entitled ''an act to amend the internal revenue code of 1986 to modify the first-time homebuyers ...
Statesmen like George Shultz, Sam Nunn, Henry Kissinger, and Bill Perry have been outspoken in their support of more assertive action. Earlier this week, I met again with my friends John Kerry and Dick Lugar to discuss this Treaty, and throughout the morning, my Administration will be ...
Reid pushes for action on farm bill In his floor speech, Reid noted that theSenate passed a number of bipartisan bills last year that the House never acted on. He said this year, the Senate will revisit some of the legislative priorities of the 112th Congress, ... J Fatka - 《...