(STS):测量一对句子之间的相似程度。在本质上是一个模棱两可的任务,因为句子相似度取决于某一特定方面。 条件语义文本相似度(C-STS):测量在自然语言中阐明的一个方面(这里称为条件)的相似性。比STS的优点在于:1)减少了STS的主观性和模糊性;2)可以使用不同条件进行细粒度的相似性评估。 以上为STS和C-STS的简...
在这个链接这里介绍了和文本相似度检测有关的: https://paperswithcode.com/task/semantic-textual-similarity https://paperswithcode.com/sota/semantic-textual-similarity-on-mrpc https://paperswithcode.com/sota/semantic-textual-similarity-on-sts-benchmark https://paperswithcode.com/sota/semantic-textual-...
Semantic textual similarity (STS) that measures the semantic similarity between text snippets plays a significant role in many NLP applications. In the general NLP domain, STS shared tasks have made available a huge collection of text snippet pairs with manual annotations in various domains. In the...
Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) measures the degree of equivalence in the underlying semantics of paired snippets of text. natural-language-processingstssemantic-similaritysemeval UpdatedOct 18, 2021 Python A Python library to chunk/group your texts based on semantic similarity. ...
python dataset semeval semantic-textual-similarity Updated Jan 30, 2017 Jupyter Notebook qiangzi11hao / Semantic-Textual-Similarity Star 38 Code Issues Pull requests 语义相似度 python nlp semantic-textual-similarity Updated Feb 10, 2018 Jupyter Notebook celarex / STS-CNN-STSbenchmark-Semantic-...
论文链接: CSTS: Conditional Semantic Textual Similarity代码地址: princeton-nlp/c-sts (github.com)AB&Intro 语义文本相似度(STS):测量一对句子之间的相似程度。在本质上是一个模棱两可的任务,因为…
Agirre, E., Gonzalez-Agirre, A., Lopez-Gazpio, I., Maritxalar, M., Rigau, G., & Uria, L. (2015). Ubc: Cubes for english semantic textual similarity and supervised approaches for interpretable sts. In Proceedings of the 9th international workshop on semantic evaluation (semeval 2015)...
run_sts.sh Update output file naming for fine-tuning output Jun 29, 2023 run_sts_fewshot.py Add run_sts_fewshot.py Jun 29, 2023 Repository files navigation README C-STS This repository contains the dataset and code for the paper C-STS: Conditional Semantic Textual Similarity. [ArXiv] Ta...
The last procedure is the assessment consisting of the average of all the similarities found in previous reasoning. Figure 1. Method for semantic textual similarity analysis. 3.3. Perception The perception module splits a text into blocks according to the punctuation tokens that may indicate SVO ...