语义文本相似度(STS):测量一对句子之间的相似程度。在本质上是一个模棱两可的任务,因为句子相似度取决于某一特定方面。 条件语义文本相似度(C-STS):测量在自然语言中阐明的一个方面(这里称为条件)的相似性。比STS的优点在于:1)减少了STS的主观性和模糊性;2)可以使用不同条件进行细粒度的相似性评估。 以上为ST...
tri-encoder计算句子对(s1、s2)和条件c的相似度: 先计算单个文本的相似度,如f(s1); 随后做一个转换h,将维度从2d转化为d,h(c; s1);最后计算相似度,sim(h(c; s1), h(c; s2)) Quad loss为 其中,p1、p2是相似度较高的句子对,n1、n2是相似度较低的句子对,d_cos是相似度计算函数,M是超参。
ON STS Benchmark 2022 SOTA! Accuracy 73.59 -2022-01 Huggingface PyTorch TensorFlow GPU CPU CUDA 查看项目 Trans-Encoder-BERT-base-bi (unsup.)- ON STS12 2021 SOTA! Spearman Correlation 0.7509 Mirror-BERT2021-09-查看项目 Trans-Encoder-BERT-large-cross (unsup.)- ...
Summary: The Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) task aims capturing a bidirectional-graded equivalence between the pair of short texts. This work proposes a STS measure for the Portuguese Language based on Semantic Inferentialism Model (SIM) and InferenceNet.BR. We argue that the expression of ...
Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) :判断两个句子的语义相似程度(measureing the degree of equivalence in the underlying semantics of paired snippets of text) Natural Language Inference (NLI) :也叫Recognizing Textual Entailment(RTE),判断两个句子在语义上是否存在推断关系,相对任务一更复杂一些,不仅仅是考虑...
We describe the systems submitted by SRI International and the University of the Basque Country for the Semantic Textual Similarity(STS) SemEval-2012 task. Our systems focused on using a simple set of features, featuring a mix of semantic similarity resources,lexical match heuristics, and part of...
https://paperswithcode.com/sota/semantic-textual-similarity-on-sts-benchmark https://paperswithcode.com/sota/semantic-textual-similarity-on-senteval paperwithcode是一个很好的网站 然后github上关于Semantic Textual Similarity的信息综合帖,Awesome-Repositories-for-NLI-and-Semantic-Similarity.md https://gist...
Semantic textual similarity (STS) systems are designed to encode and evaluate the semantic similarity between words, phrases, sentences, and documents. One method for assessing the quality or authenticity of semantic information encoded in these systems is by comparison with human judgments. A data ...
Semantic Textual Similarity (STS):Quora 评价标准:class prediction accuracy Tweet Search: TREC Microblog 2013-2014,此任务是根据短查询的相关性对候选tweet进行排序。 评价标准:MAP and precision at rank 30 (P@30) 一些实现细节: 300d word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) embeddings ...
Awesome Semantic Textual Similarity: A Curated List of Semantic/Sentence Textual Similarity (STS) in Large Language Models and the NLP Field This repository, called Awesome Semantic Textual Similarity, contains a collection of resources and papers on Semantic/Sentence Textual Similarity (STS) in Large...