二手HITACHI-SU8010高分辨场发射扫描电镜 详细摘要: 二手HITACHI-SU8010高分辨场发射扫描电镜场发射扫描电镜可用于材料分析和研究,特别是材料断口分析、微区成分分析、各种镀膜表面形貌分析、层厚测量和显微组织形貌及纳米材料分析等。 产品型号: 所在地:深圳市 更新时间:2025-02-14在线留言 ...
-The Hitachi S-4800 field emission scanning electron microscope features a maximum resolution of 1.0 nm and a variable acceleration voltage of 0.5 - 30 kV. - SEM is used to inspect cross sections and parallel lapping samples. - A SEM / EDX Test is also used to inspect small SMT and oth...
商品名称:二手SEM 二手电镜 S-3400N SEM EDX 扫描电镜 上架时间:2019-01-07 09:43:46 仪器种类: 电镜设备 价格区间:10万~50万 年限:5年以上 仪器状态:无故障正常运行 仪器来源:企业规格参数: 1.仪器的基本信息: 仪器名称:扫描电子显微镜英文名:Scanning Electron Microscope型号:Hitachi S-3400N产地:日本...
日本日立Hitachi 扫描电镜 FlexSEM1000 深圳市科时达电子科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥300.00/个 江苏苏州 SEM+EDS 扫描电镜+能谱分析金属材质异物分析-优尔鸿信第三方 优尔鸿信检测技术(深圳)有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥888.00/台 广东广州 捷克泰思肯TESCAN MAGNA高分辨场发射扫描电镜代理进口品牌 在线交易 冷场...
日本日立Hitachi 扫描电镜 FlexSEM1000 深圳市科时达电子科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥1.00万/台 广东深圳 回收FEI飞纳公司Delphi iclem荧光电镜一体机扫描电镜 距您较近 见描述品牌 深圳市光明区东晟二手电子设备厂 2年 查看详情 ¥85万 ~ 111万 国仪量子sem扫描国产高端科研级电镜品牌! 厂家直销 全新 国仪...
Hitachi S5200 Equipment Details SDI ID:74794 Manufacturer:Hitachi Model:S5200 Description:FE SEM with EDX Version:Inspection Vintage:31.05.2005 Quantity:1 Sales Condition:as is where is Lead Time:immediately Sales Price:Inquire Comments: This tool is in excellent condition, but currently has a bad ...
参考价格: 面议 品牌: HitachiS-4800;Hitachi S-4800 EDX: Bruker quantax400 型号: HitachiS-4800;Hitachi S-4800 EDX: Bruker quantax400 立即预约 设备详情 客户评价 (0) 开放和收费情况 请填写详细介绍,可以填写仪器的技术指标、功能特色等等信息
The equipment used was a Hitachi S-3000 N scanning electron microscope (Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) coupled to an INCAx-sight Oxford Instruments™ energy dispersive X-ray analyser (Oxford Instruments, Oxon, UK). The equipment operating under high vacuum conditions using an accelerating voltage ...
Xil AsaSmsppleecsturasifnogr RCs were collected in transmission silicon drift detectors (Vortex-ME4, Hitachi USA, for bulk sample measurements and Vortex-60EX, SII Nano Technology USA, for spatially resolved XRF/XAS measurements with µ-focused beam). Several scans were collected at room ...
One half of each sample was observed under a Field-emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM Hitachi SU 8030, Japan), while on the second half of the samples qualitative (X-ray line-scans) and semi-quantitative point X-ray energy dispersive analyses (EDX) were...