Sellafield powers forward with more resilient electricity supply 19 February 2025—News story An important project to ensure the Sellafield site has a more resilient electricity supply has taken a significant step forward. Latest from Sellafield Ltd ...
Sellafield powers forward with more resilient electricity supply 19 February 2025—News story An important project to ensure the Sellafield site has a more resilient electricity supply has taken a significant step forward. Latest from Sellafield Ltd ...
Sellafield Encyclopedia Wikipedia (ˈsɛləˌfiːld) n (Placename) the site of an atomic power station and nuclear reprocessing plant in NW England, in W Cumbria. Former name:Windscale Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 19...
Sellafield /ˈsɛləˌfiːld/ noun the site of an atomic power station and nuclear reprocessing plant in NW England, in W CumbriaFormer nameWindscale Quiz Q: What does APLOMB mean? a distinguishing mark or feature; stamp. imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance. ...
Sel·la·field/ˈseləfiːld/ anuclear powerandnuclear reprocessingstation in Cumbria, northwest England, formerly called ‘Windscale’. Sellafield produces electricity, and also treats waste from nuclearfuelso that it can be used again. Some people believe that workers at Sellafield and people...
NDA)和商业、能源和工业战略部门获得资金,与Cumbrian核退役网站Sellafield合作,并创新英国。该项目还涉及OC机器人、Red Engineering Design、Structure Vision、React Engineering和UKEA,并参与了NDA组织的竞争。成功的项目,其中有五个运行低于15,将获得£850万的奖金发展退役核材料使用的解决方案。
网络释义 1. 拉菲尔德 英国塞拉菲尔德(Sellafield.)储存的核废料。雅各布警告,核战风险增加是发展核电副作用之一。|基于3个网页 例句 释义: 全部,拉菲尔德 更多例句筛选 1. The plant's workers' organizations said the close Sellafield Mox plant because of lack of funds. 该工厂人的工人组织...