We’re creating a clean and safe environment for future generations. Sellafield Ltd works with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority .
We’re creating a clean and safe environment for future generations. Sellafield Ltd works with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority .
Sellafield Nuclear Workers Call for New PlantWORKERS at the nuclear site in Sellafield are launching a campaign aimed at attracting fresh investment to help guarantee its future.
背景信息: 英国塞拉菲尔德 (Sellafield)核设施,位于英格兰坎布里亚郡爱尔兰沿海地区塞勒菲尔德村火车站附近,包括两个核燃料后处理厂,主要生产钚,是在早期温德斯凯尔(Windscale)反应堆(1957年10月7日其1号反应堆曾经发生核事故)基础上发展起来的,2005年4月1日起,由核退役机构(Nuclear Decommissioning Authority)拥有。(参...
MORE SAAB SEAEYE ROBOTIC VEHICLES FOR SELLAFIELD NUCLEAR WASTE PROJECT After breaking all records for transferring waste material stored in spent fuel ponds, Sellafield Ltd has selected the Saab Seaeye Tiger robotic vehicle to work in one of the most hazardous environments on the planet. The announce...
Sel·la·field/ˈseləfiːld/ anuclear powerandnuclear reprocessingstation in Cumbria, northwest England, formerly called ‘Windscale’. Sellafield produces electricity, and also treats waste from nuclearfuelso that it can be used again. Some people believe that workers at Sellafield and people...
Sellafield noun(1) Advertisement Sellafield /ˈsɛləˌfiːld/ noun the site of an atomic power station and nuclear reprocessing plant in NW England, in W CumbriaFormer nameWindscale Quiz Q: What does APLOMB mean? a distinguishing mark or feature; stamp. ...
Define Sellafield. Sellafield synonyms, Sellafield pronunciation, Sellafield translation, English dictionary definition of Sellafield. n the site of an atomic power station and nuclear reprocessing plant in NW England, in W Cumbria. Former name: Windscal
Cavendish Nuclear is pleased to announce that it has successfully secured a place on the Sellafield Enabling Innovation Framework 4. Awarded by Sellafield Lt
The UK’s British Nuclear Group Project Services has completed the first phase of work to build a local sludge treatment plant (LSTP) that will condition and store intermediate-level waste (ILW) sludges from the Pile Fuel Storage Pond at Sellafield in Cumbria. ...