他为自己白手起家而自豪。Joe is a self-made man who worked long, hard hours to turn his small business into a large, successful company.乔是个白手起家的人,他工作很长时间、并且很努力来把他的小生意变成大的、成功的公司。The two men, both youthful, energetic, self-made billionaires, have muc...
It wasn't nearly so simple as men objectifying women... Nobody won... nobody was more or less victimized than anyone else. The girls got money. The men got an approximation of sex and flirtation. But in the end everyone was equally debased by the experience. (查看原文) ...
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In Self-Made Men, Henry Rubin explores the production of male identities in the lives of twenty-two FTM transsexuals--people who have changed their sex from female to male. The author relates the compelling personal narratives of his subjects to the historical emergence of FTM as an identity ...
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Synonyms Autodidact ; Entrepreneur ; Pioneer Being a Self-made Man Whether described as a "great man" or a "man of genius," the self-made man represents the archetype of successful men - and more and more women - who start from low stations in life, with poor educational backgrounds, ...
The #1 newsletter for conservative men with ambition about business, wealth, tech, faith, family, and living life to the fullest. If that’s you, click here to subscribe today…
B. White (One Man’s Meat, 1944) wrote, “Luck is not something you can mention in the presence of self-made men.” The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer See also: self-made man, a self-made woman be hard at it come by honestly hard ...