In these five consecutive sessions of every course that the teachers agreed to participate with, the teachers were asked to complete a short paper-and-pencil questionnaire. Directly before the start of their session, they made assessments regarding their self-efficacy beliefs concerning that session....
Considering the rise of online education and an increasing number of students with disabilities in higher education, examining the validity of the Self-efficacy Questionnaire for Online Learning (SeQoL) for students with disabilities is warranted. The purpose of this study is to examine the ...
BeliefsQuestionnaireweredistributedtoallparticipants.UniversityentranceSLEPandcurrent TOEFLscoresforallparticipantswerestudied. Also,thisstudy,usinganESLSelf-Efficacy Interview, qualitatively examined four students to find out how they interpret their self-efficacy sources. Quantitative data was analyzed using ...
Objective To explore the relationship between career decision-making self-efficacy and personality of college students.Methods A total of 220 college students were assessed with Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.Results ①Gender difference of college students' ...
As mentioned by Bandura, the questionnaire was adapted to the sequence studied by the students so that it: 1) was not too broad but adapted to the context, 2) measured precisely what the students did. At the end of this questionnaire, participants could freely answer open-ended questions. ...
The intervention group (n = 60) received Arbi Care intervention for 25 minutes, twice a week, for five weeks while the control group (n = 60) received standard education. Self-efficacy was measured by using questionnaire and observation. Measurement was carried out three times in the sixth,...
This study has been conducted to investigate differences, if any, in self-efficacy in speaking English among 60 technical college ESL students based on gender during two different semesters. Research was conducted using a questionnaire adapted from previous research. The students’ perceived self-...
A survey method was adopted via self-administration of questionnaire to 301 college students from three selected TVET institutions in Nigeria. The basic mission of establishing TVET colleges was to equip young minds with technical and entrepreneurial skills to become self-employed. Some of the exit ...
The survey was personalized by inserting a link into each participant’s e-mail which permitted access to the questionnaire. Teachers who did not respond or who only partially completed the instrument were sent a reminder e-mail after 2 weeks. Of the 5,575 teachers approached, 1,214 (21.8...
The adapted, final version of the questionnaire was individually completed by 483 students, mostly online but in a few exceptional cases in a paper–pencil format. The participants were seventh and eighth graders from all three academic tracks (I, II, III) of lower secondary school in ...