将“self-similarity"翻译成西班牙文 autosimilaridad, autosimilitud是“self-similarity"到 西班牙文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:This property is known as self-similarity across scales. ↔ Esta propiedad se conoce como autosimilitud a diferentes escalas. ...
I see a similarity between that and life. You can stay AT one place in your life, never learning new skills and going around and around in one place, repeating the same mistakes, 'stuck' in a rut OR you learn new skills and then move forwards and upwards in your life. When you ...
Since, as noted above, there is not currently a hydromorphone analogue of MS-Contin or OxyContin on the market in the United States, the similarity in effects of hydromorphone and oxymorphone (which does come in an extended-release form, Opana) is particularly important to note at this time,...
论文阅读笔记《Anomaly Detection in Nanofibrous Materials by CNN-Based Self-Similarity》,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Segmenting electronic dance music streams based on self-similarity Tim Scarfe (http://www.developer-x.com) Wouter M. Koolen (http://wouterkoolen.info/) Yuri Kalnishkan (http://www.clrc.rhul.ac.uk/people/yura/) We present an unsupervised, deterministic algorithm for segmenting DJ-mixed Elect...
Due to this similarity Monads have been aptly called programmable semicolons. But as we have seen: below the syntactic sugar it's a purely functional composition!PurityA function is called pure if it corresponds to a function in the mathematical sense: it associates each possible input value ...
self complement of Sentence Similarity compute based on cilin, hownet, simhash, wordvector,vsm models,基于同义词词林,知网,指纹,字词向量,向量空间模型的句子相似度计算。 - we1l1n/SentenceSimilarity
one can improve positive sampling according to the similarity between a patient’s clinical information. In fact, several studies have shown performance improvement when constructing positive pairs with slices from the same CT series102, images from the same imaging study103, images from the same pat...
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usage example :--dataset wikics --task:Name of the task. Supported names are: node, clustering, similarity. Default is node. usage example :--task node --layers:The number of units of each layer of the GNN. Default is [256]