受到part matching方法的启发,提出SSG(Self-similarity Grouping)算法,从特征的全局到布局去挖掘目标域行人图像之间的相似度。具体地,首先将行人特征划分为三个set(1)whole bodies(2)upper parts(3)bottom parts;然后为每个set中的每个group指定伪标签;最后通过微调预训练模型不断优化行人间相似度。 Relative Work Un...
Self-similarityGrouping: ASimpleUnsupervisedCrossDomainAdaptation ApproachforPersonRe-identification paper: arxiv code: github author: Yang Fu, Yunchao Wei et al. ICCV 2019 Why? 目前做跨域ReID无非以下几点: UDA针对闭... 查看原文 学习笔记:2019年SSG自相似分组 uda reid Fu, Yang and Wei @...
Self-similarity Grouping: A Simple Unsupervised Cross Domain Adaptation Approach for Person Re-identification(ICCV_2019) 文章链接 代码链接:https://github.com/OasisYang/SSG 文章大致思路如下 SSG框架 1、有监督训练: 用ResNet50在源数... 查看原文 学习笔记:2019年SSG自相似分组 uda reid Simple ...
Self-similarityNoise reductionSingular value decompositionChaotic signalInspired by the self-similar fractal properties of chaotic attractors and the heuristics of similarity filtering of images,a novel chaotic signal denoising algorithm is proposed.By grouping the chaotic signal with similar segments,the ...
Cross-layer grouping For the analysis along network lay- ers, we construct Z feature tensors denoted by Uz, z = 1, ··· , Z, by reorganizing Vts as follows. Let Vtz′ ∈ RM×N represent Vt(:, :, z′) which is the feature map of the z...
After grouping all the features extracted, the next stage is to apply a similarity measure to the feature space and compute the SSM. This process consists in comparing each subsequence with all the other subsequences. Since each column of the 𝐹𝑀FM is each subsequence’s feature characterizat...
Grouping similar problems into families offer opportunities to leverage the learnings from within a family of problems and to arrive at strategies for transfer learning approach for optimization. Nevertheless, there has been limited literature available on techniques to classify families of functions that...
Media segmentation using self-similarity decomposition - Foote, Cooper - 2002 () Citation Context ...groupings of features from different frames of the song. The final audio fingerprint is made of up these sub-fingerprints. This musical signature is a representation of the entire musical piece ...
Paintings have some sensibility information to human hearts. It is expected in paintings to process such sensibility information by computers effectively. For appreciation of paintings, grouping of paintings with similar sensitivity will be helpful to visitors as in painting gallery. In this paper, we...
While some air–water flow parameters such as bubble count rate, bubble chord time distribution and bubble grouping behaviour could only be correctly quantified at full-scale prototype conditions, the aeration level and turbulent scales might be estimated with satisfactory accuracy for engineering ...