false, good or bad. It is merely responding to our conscious thoughts, words and actions, like an obedient, cooperative child. It doesn’t analyze whether the thoughts are good or bad for you, positive or negative. Analyzing and choosing are the domain of the conscious mind; the subconscious...
“done for you” selling point isn’t going to help you develop the discipline and willpower required to become great at meditation and to make time for it in your schedule. So just be sure you keep in mind that you’re willing to do some work, because frankly (in spite of the fact...
Two items of the subscale “Attitudes Towards Clitoral Self-Stimulation” (e.g., “Stimulating myself (i.e., massaging my genitals/clitoris) to help me have an orgasm during intercourse with a partner would be: important” or “good”). One item of the subscale “Affective Reactions to ...
Our award winning self-help resources help people tackle depression, low mood and stress or anxiety at every stage in life.
Bipolar disorder was a big block in my life, and it kept me from doing things outside my comfort zone — things my mind was closed to. It wasn’t until I startedchallengingmy own limits that I began to grow and feel better about myself. ...
Working memory*.Executive function representing the ability to hold multiple contents in mind at once while actively manipulating one or more of them (Baddeley, 2012). Earlier research has shown that different sets of self-regulatory abilities may become activated depending on the affective value of...
As Freud he replied: "Well, I recommend you to move on because it doesn't really solve anything. It's not a huge problem, but it doesn't help to live in the past. I think you should keep it as a good experience and memory, but not something that keeps you from going on." The...
Activities like meditation,yoga, andtai chihelp you step back from the constant thoughts that run through your mind. That turns out to be a powerful way to change your outlook on life and gain more control over the ups and downs. Mindfulness works best when you set aside time to practice...
Advice for a happier life is found in so-called ‘self-help books’, which are widely sold in modern countries these days. These books popularize
Predictors of aggression on the psychiatric inpatient service: self-esteem, narcissism, and theory of mind deficits. Aggressive behavior committed by inpatients has significant negative effects on patients, clinical staff, the therapeutic milieu, and inpatient community a... BR Goldberg,MR Serper,M Sh...