mojoco:只能单任务,J在迭代不更新,纯数据增广 goal condition:可以在denoise过程中将最后一步都强制改为目标位置。如果有中间不确定那步的目标sc, ,或其他能直接确定的J。 具体如何增广数据:先用当前diffuser生成state序列,然后inverse model生成action序列。然后dynamic生成r,这样在r中加入了dynamics信息,选出好的r就...
The noflux condition itself is a reasonable choice if the thickness of the electrodes is large against the diffusion length. In this case the spin accumulation and hence also the spin current is expected to be approximately zero at the contacts. For systems where the magnetic region is ...
AIGC 目前是一个非常火热的方向,DALLE-2,ImageGen,Stable Diffusion 的图像在以假乱真的前提下,又有着脑洞大开的艺术性,以下是用开源的 Stable Diffusion 生成的一些图片。 这些模型后边都使用了 Diffusion Model 的技术,但是缺乏相关背景知识去单纯学习 Diffusion Model 门槛会比较高,不过沿着 AE、VAE、CVAE、DDPM...
model = UNetConditionModel.from_pretrained("runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", subfolder="unet") this is quite important when training only parts of the model like is done in textual inversion. Note if everything would be in a single file then for training textual inversion we would have ...
Sub- stituting eq 10 and 11 yields Ce1 =/(oNe - 112 [N1Ne/Nel +N2(1-NefNe1)f12 (13) The average segment coefficient (1 for polymer 1 can be obtained by inserting eq 13 into (14) which is valid under the assumed condition Ne N1 . The self-diffusion coefficient Ds1 of polymer ...
Using the model, the moisture distribution of three concrete, C30, C50 and C80 that represent low, middle and high strength concrete in practice, is simulated respectively. The effect of curing condition on the development of internal relative humidity inside of concrete is analyzed. The model ...
in the light of the solid to fluid coupling, have established the model of the volume deformation (self-adjusted elastic effect) of the coal reservoir under the condition of the effective stress-adsorption/desorption, and have obtained a correct understanding of the law of the elastic deformation...
Further, we develop a masked visual condition mechanism to enhance the denoising ability of model. Extensive experiments are conducted on the KITTI and Make3D datasets and the proposed MonoDiffusion outperforms prior state-of-the-art competitors. The source code is comming! About [TCSVT2024] ...
The self-consistency condition on the effective dielectric functions 蓻reduces to the requirement that 蓻be chosen so that the forward-scattering amplitude of particles embedded in this medium should vanish on the average. The approximation ... D Stroud - 《Application to Model Granular Metals Physic...
We consider a reaction–diffusion system of densities of two types of particles, introduced by Hannezo et al. (Cell 171(1):242–255.e27, 2017). It is a simple model for a growth process: active, branching particles form the growing boundary layer of an otherwise static tissue, represented...