ls_ass-op_main = 'OBJECTKEY'. APPEND ls_ass TO ls_restrict-ass_tab. CALL FUNCTION 'SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT' EXPORTING restriction = ls_restrict EXCEPTIONS too_late = 1 repeated = 2 selopt_without_options = 3 selopt_without_signs = 4 invalid_sign = 5 empty_option_list = 6 invalid_ki...
Hi all, I am trying to restrict the select options to only exclusive single values Following is the code that i have written..however it is not working. Please suggest.
if i input 77777777 to s_xxx-high, it can pass, if i input 99999999, can`t pass. i know a FM 'SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT', but this one only restrict the sign and option. can`t work on my requirement. Appreciate your reply. Archer.Reply...
Options to restrict users to select nothing but views only? Forum – Learn more on SQLServerCentral
Function moduleSELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICTcan be used to restrict the number of selection options available for a select-option on selection screen. The RESTRICTION parameter has 2 components. OPT_LIST_TAB has following fields. ASS_TAB has following fields. ...
Select-options restrict 写程序定义选择界面参数时,离不开parameters和select-options,今天我们就来聊一聊使用select-options时的一些限定情况。 现有case如下,一个计划录入的程序,在显示计划选项下,需指定一天或者一段时间来展示对应的计划数据,也就是说只允许输入单值或者区间...