*定义选择屏幕SELECT-OPTIONS:s_matnrFORmarc-matnrNOINTERVALS,s_werksFORmarc-werks.INITIALIZATION.*限制MATNR参数只能使用‘EQ’ 和‘BT’.optlist-name='OBJECTKEY1'.optlist-options-eq='X'.*optlist-options-bt='X'.APPENDoptlistTOrestrict-opt_list_tab.ass-kind='S'.ass-name='S_MATNR'.ass-sg_m...
In addition to the additions available, you can use the function module SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT to restrict the number of selection options available and prohibit the value "E" for columnsignin theselection tablebefore the selection screen is sent. 除了这些可用的附加项之处,你可以屏幕生成之前使用函...
0 Kudos 7,218 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, I am trying to restrict the select options to only exclusive single values Following is the code that i have written..however it is not working. Please suggest. SuruchiReply ...
In addition to the additions available, you can use the function module SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT to restrict the number of selection options available and prohibit the value "E" for columnsignin theselection tablebefore the selection screen is sent. 除了这些可用的附加项之处,你可以屏幕生成之前使用函...
if i input 77777777 to s_xxx-high, it can pass, if i input 99999999, can`t pass. i know a FM 'SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT', but this one only restrict the sign and option. can`t work on my requirement. Appreciate your reply. Archer.Reply...
sap parameters 与select-options区别 1.SELECT-OPTIONS基本语法及定义 SELECT-OPTIONS通常用于参照一数据库字段来建立数据输入域,其定义对象命名长度不能超过8位,其产生的屏幕对象最大输入长度为18位,语法如下: SELECT-OPTIONS<sel>FOR<f>. [ForExample] SELECT-OPTIONS:DATAFORSY-DATUM. *运行界面如下: ...
MOVE 'X' TO t_opt_list-options-nb. MOVE <Select options parameter name> TO it_ass-name. MOVE <id used in t_opt_list-name> TO it_ass-op_main. MOVE 'S' TO it_ass-kind. MOVE 'I' TO it_ass-sg_main. MOVE '*' TO it_ass-sg_addy. APPEND it_ass to restrict-ass_tab. Regar...
The select control is usually used informs, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which the select control is embedded. If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, you can set the width accordingly. However, we do not recommend defining a fixed width...
(SAC Model - Dimensions image):Dimension descriptions added at SAC Model levelHidden Dimensions at SAC Model level But for the measures I still can see the same hidden configurations (SAC Model - Measures image). For, the import options I select "Overwrite objects and data".Do you know if ...
The select control is usually used informs, where the width is determined by the form element or container in which the select control is embedded. If you need to restrict the width to a defined value, you can set the width accordingly. However, we do not recommend defining a fixed width...