但是还有一堆 SELECT 像这样的陈述: SELECT i.relname AS name, ix.indisprimary AS primary, ix.indisunique AS unique, ix.indkey AS indkey, array_agg(a.attnum) AS column_indexes, array_agg(a.attname) AS column_names, pg_get_indexdef(ix.indexrelid) AS definition FROM pg_clas...
但是还有一堆 SELECT 像这样的陈述: SELECT i.relname AS name, ix.indisprimary AS primary, ix.indisunique AS unique, ix.indkey AS indkey, array_agg(a.attnum) AS column_indexes, array_agg(a.attname) AS column_names, pg_get_indexdef(ix.indexrelid) AS definition FROM pg_clas...
pg*pwinner + pp*ploser + pe*pdraw ) 开发者ID:stsewd,项目名称:fbcm,代码行数:25,代码来源:models.py 示例4: get_logged_account_link ▲点赞 2▼ # 需要导入模块: from pony import orm [as 别名]# 或者: from pony.orm importselect[as 别名]defget_logged_account_link(target_id):al = orm....
示例2: TableEditor ▲点赞 7▼ # 需要导入模块: from paella.db.midlevel import StatementCursor [as 别名]# 或者: from paella.db.midlevel.StatementCursor importselect[as 别名]classTableEditor(ListWin):def__init__(self, conn, table, pkey=None, fields=[], command_data=dict(new='new entry'...
'pg_get_i ndexdef','pg_get_keywords','pg_get_ruledef','pg_get_serial_sequence' ,'pg_get_triggerdef','pg_get_userbyid','pg_get_viewdef','pg_options_ to_table','pg_tablespace_databases','pg_tablespace_location','pg_typ eof','pg_collation_for','col_description','obj_descr...
Description Even a the simplest select is not editable. In a data view I can edit: But if I make a simple select for this table (like select * from leiro) no more chance to edit: Every field says: (Read only: No row indentifier found) DB...
snmpgetnext(1) snmpinform(1) snmpnetstat(1) snmpset(1) snmptable(1) snmptest(1) snmptranslate(1) snmptrap(1) snmpusm(1) snmpvacm(1) snmpwalk(1) soelim(1) sort(1) sort(1g) sortbib(1) sotruss(1) source(1) sox(1) soxi(1) sparc(1) spawn-fcgi(1) spell(1) spellin(1) sp...
例如,我将包括为序列编写的代码: <![CDATA[SELECT relname FROM pg_class JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid 浏览1提问于2013-12-26得票数 2 回答已采纳 4回答 Groovy GString问题 、 当我写下这段代码时我收到未知属性$it_的错误['cdata','tdata'].each { def sql = "select * from ${...
classCreateForms<ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]defchangecreate_table:formsdo|t|t.string:namet.timestampsendendendclassForm<ApplicationRecordendForm.create(name:"My Name")Form.last.name# => "My Name" What happens if we do aselectwithout thenamecolumn?
Call getdate from linked server call the multiple .sql files through Batch script Calling the same function multiple times in the same SELECT statement Can a [non primary key] be referenced as [foriegn key] in other table? Can a uniqueidentifier have a default value? can I access function ...