select * from pg_indexes where tablename = 'product'; 2、获取当前db中所有表信息 select * from pg_tables; 3、查询数据库安装了哪些扩展 select * from pg_extension; 4、查询数据库中的所有表及其描述 select relname as TABLE_NAME ,col_description(c.oid, 0) as COMMENTS from pg_class c where ...
#PostgreSQL# select * from pg_tables; 表明有大写要双引号包含。 select * from "Users";
我对一个postgresql DB运行以下查询,该查询的目的是返回给定方案中用户没有SELECT权限的所有表 select table_name from information_schema.tableswhere table_schema=myschema SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM information_schema.table_priv 浏览51提问于2021-07-17得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 Postgresql顺序-选择正确...
> a database is created without specifying a tablespace for it, it uses > the same tablespace as the template database it is copied from." > > In either case that tablespace becomes the default for the db and shows > up as NULL in pg_tables. > > > PgAdmin seems has the proper qu...
查看表和数据库的信息查询表信息 使用系统表pg_tables查询数据库所有表的信息。 1 SELECT * FROM pg_tables; 使用gsql的\d+命令查询表结构。 示例:先创建表customer_t1并插入数据。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CREATE 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → DESC查询表结构 ...
select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname='public' 2、按条件查询 ●升降序 -- 对查询结果按id降序显示 select * from student order by id desc -- 对查询结果按id升序显示 select * from student order by id asc ●转义字符 -- 转义字符, 查找name中包含单引号的记录 ...
SELECTtablenameFROMpg_tablesWHEREschemaname='public'; now, if we would need to do it one-by-one, we would have to write: GRANTSELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETEONtable_aTOdepesz;GRANTSELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETEONtable_bTOdepesz;...GRANTSELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETEONtable_nTOdepesz; ...
SELECT retrieves data from a table or view.Serving as an overlaid filter for a database table, SELECT filters required data from the table using SQL keywords.The owner of
1回答 级联此查询 、、、 我想级联这个查询。SELECT 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || tablename || ';' FROM pg_tables WHERE tableowner='XXX'; 我希望所有的表由所有者"xxx“被截断(这工作),但我希望它也级联。我怎么才能让它级联呢? 浏览2提问于2017-12-24得票数 0 2回答...
SELECT * FROM dam_vector.parcels_full;如果你真的想使用双引号,请选择:SELECT * FROM "dam_vector...