051.blender技巧篇扩展中文版051- Layer Management图层管理 01:32 050.blender技巧篇扩展中文版050 - 独显模式Isolation Mode 00:34 049.blender技巧篇扩展中文版049 - 复制属性附加组件Copy Attributes Add-On 01:09 048.blender技巧篇扩展中文版048 -从谷歌字体 安装自定义字体Installing Custom Fonts From Go...
Then simply remove the original layer. 如果你通过使用显示层边界命令显示层边界,你可能很难在一副图像的层上精确选择一个区域,为避免这个问题,你能画一个矩形选区,改变它为一个浮动选区然后固定到新的层,然后简单的移除原始层 hq22 变换无穷 10 In early versions of GIMP, floating selections were used ...
in our example) layer. However, beginner Photoshop users may find it easier to simply use the eraser. Make sure you jump to your “eyes” layer in your Layers Panel to begin erasing. Eliminate any part of the selection you
How do I take the Red channel of an image and convert it to a layer that where the Red channel only is rendered as a Red/Black image rather than greyscale? (etc for Blue and Green). There's a trick I did with GIMP years ago to combine 3 aligned photos with movin...
Grid Text Effect 2 - GIMP 2.8 Tutorial How to add guides to layer boundaries in GIMP 2.8 - Subscribers Q&A 5 How to change car paint color in GIMP 2.8 How To Color Smoke - GIMP 2.8 Tutorial How To Create Sequence Image - GIMP 2.8 Tutorial How to cut photos into different shapes - GI...
TokenTool 2.1 now supports PSD format for 'overlays' to allow for better masking by supporting 'layers'. To create your own 'overlay' you can use any version of PhotoShop or GIMP and add your masking layer as the first (bottom) layer and your overlay image as the second (top) layer. ...
How do I take the Red channel of an image and convert it to a layer that where the Red channel only is rendered as a Red/Black image rather than greyscale? (etc for Blue and Green). There's a trick I did with GIMP years ago to combine 3 aligned photos with moving...
To create your own 'overlay' you can use any version of PhotoShop or GIMP and add your masking layer as the first (bottom) layer and your overlay image as the second (top) layer. You can add background images, extract images from PDF files, and save the portrait alongside the token ...