(gimp-selection-all img) ; glow (gimp-selection-layer-alpha text-layer) (gimp-selection-grow img 3) (gimp-image-add-layer img glow-layer -1) (gimp-context-set-foreground light-color) (gimp-edit-bucket-fill glow-layer 0 0 100 0 FALSE 0 0) ; gaussian blur (gimp-selection-none img)...
1/选择要复制的mask,点击Layer,Mask,然后Mask to Selection 2/选择要添加mask的图层,点击菜单栏的Layer,Mask下的Add Layer Mask,在下面选择Selection,点击添加即可: 效果图如下: 这是在同一个文件下进行的复制,还可以在不同文件下进行复制操作: 1/复制Mask,点击mask所在的layer,快捷键Ctrl+C复制: 2/打开新的图...
Now let us create a new document and once you create it, a layer of this document will add in the layers panel as a background layer. You can have a number of layers in layers panel because GIMP has limitless capacity having a layer in the layers panel and it just depends on your c...
我发现这个老虎图片的头不完全用路径工具(Path Tool)选取老虎的头和脖子,转换为选区.然后使用Fuzzy Select Tool (魔术棒工具),设置模式为Add to Current Selection(添加到当前选区),阀值设为31,点击与白胡子相似的颜色,将胡子添加到选区,最后选区如图 albumin 通道蒙板 12 CTRL+C复制选区,CTRL+SHIFT+V粘贴为新...
Grow the selection on the additional layer 以5 或 10 像素增加,或者你喜欢的任意像素。 Grow it by 5 or 10 pixel 你选择需要做是使用一种你选择的颜色来填充这个扩大的选择区。因为我的原文是浅色,在这里我将为轮廓使用背景色。 如果尚未选择的话,先选择你的主图像层。这些层在右侧栏中可视。然后转到工具...
将文字转变为select:首先确认文字在单独的一个layer,选中这个layer后,layer->Transparency->Alpha to selection, 这样文字部分就变成了select,可以新建一个layer,在上面对这个select进行色彩填充等操作 将文字转变为path:选中文字layer后,Layer->Text to path, 然后在Paths模块中就能看到新建的path,点击让其可见,然后可...
Add Alpha Channel新增一个Alpha色频,为了防止使用者不经意地让Background图层产生透明的效果,名称为Background的图层预设不具Alpha色频,没有Alpha色频便不能执行Add Layer Mask,故对Background图层而言必须先执行Add Alpha Channel才能执行Add Layer Mask增加一遮色片。Alpha to Selection将图层中非透明的部分变为选取...
Resize the canvas. Glow the selection with 3px by menu command “selection->glow”. The crop the canvas by selection using “image->crop by selection”. Then we apply some layer effects to beauty the button. layer effects: inner glow, white 75% opacity, size 5 ...
How to add guides to layer boundaries in Subscribers Q&A 5 How to change car paint color in GIMP 2.8 How To Color Smoke How To Create Sequence Image How to cut photos into different shapes - GIMP tutorial How To Make Glowing Text How to paint with a gradient in Subscribers Q&A 2 How ...
def python_fu_selection_to_alpha(image, layer): floating_sel = pdb.gimp_edit_named_copy_visible(image, layer, "script-fu-temp-floating") layer = pdb.gimp_floating_sel_to_layer(floating_sel) pdb.gimp_layer_add_alpha(layer) pdb.gimp_image_select_item(image, CHANNEL_OP_ADD_ALPHA, layer...