This CSS tutorial explains how to use the CSS selector called :last-child with syntax and examples. The CSS :last-child selector allows you to target an element that is the last child element within its parent.
Introduction to CSS last-child The:last-child selector displays every element of its parent’s last child. In simple terms, the pseudo-class:last-child CSS defines the last element in a group of sibling elements. The:last-child selector enables you directly target the last element within its...
CSS select all except last childAuthor: Jeff Starr Category: CSS Posted: January 11, 2017Blazing fast snippet for you today: how to select all children except the last child. Targeting HTML with CSS has never been so much fun.. { /* do your thing */ } ...
(1)span input 定位span下所有的input标签,包括span下的所有层次的input,注意不是span下一层的input,是所有3、元素层级css还支持三个方法,分别是first-child、last-child、nth-child(n) (1)first-child:第一个后代元素 (2)last-child:最后一个后代元素 (3)nth-child(N):指定第N个后代元素 下面举例: (1)...
Filename – style.css.container :last-child { color: red; } ExampleOpen Compiler <html> <head> <style> /* style.css obtained from filename – style.scss */ .container :last-child { color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <h2> Using the <i> :last-child selector </i> in ...
CSS selector: `:nth-last-child()` Global usage 97.39% + 0% = 97.39% IE ❌ 6 - 8: Not supported ✅ 9 - 10: Supported ✅ 11: Supported Edge ✅ 12 - 130: Supported ✅ 131: Supported Firefox ❌ 2 - 3: Not supported ✅ 3.5 - 132: Supported ✅ 133: Supported ✅...
version added:1.1.4jQuery( ":last-child" ) While.last()matches only a single element,:last-childcan match more than one: one for each parent. Example: Find the last span in each matched div and add some css plus a hover state. ...
添加的版本:1.1.4jQuery( ":last-child" ) :last只匹配一个单独的元素,:last-child选择器可以匹配多个元素:即,为每个父级元素匹配最后一个子元素。 例子: 在每个匹配的 div 中查找最后一个 span ,并加上 CSS 以及增加鼠标悬停效果。 1 2 3 4
last-child 如果是儿子/孙子都存在,是孙子在最后面一个b = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,'form input:last-child').get_attribute('value')print( b )#百度一下#第N个子元素 :nth-child(N)等同于:nth-of-type(N)c = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,'form input:nth-child(5)')....
clearfix'] li:first-child + li") 获取当前节点的上一个节点 dom提供的接口, 不属于css-selector语法 tmp = $("li[data-sku='2136538...ul[class='gl-warp clearfix']")[0].children 获取第一个子节点 :f...