Else, with your current html-code, you would write: ulli.heading:nth-child(4) {background: black; }ulli.heading:nth-child(1) {background: black; } I understand your thought, but the lis with the class "heading" isn't the second or last child. Give this a try: ul.heading...
:nth-last-child(n) p::nth-last-child(n)同上,从最后一个子元素开始计数。 :empty p:empty选择没有子元素的每个<p>元素(包括文本节点)。 :not(selector) :not(p)选择非<p>元素的每个元素。 input状态选择器 :focus获得焦点的 input 元素 :enabled每个启用的 input 元素 :disabled每个禁用的 input 元素...
ul:last-of-type{color:orange;} 6 :nth-child :nth-child根据元素的位置匹配一个或者多个元素,它接受一个an+b形式的参数,an+b匹配到的元素示例如下: 1n+0,或n,匹配每一个子元素。 2n+0,或2n,匹配位置为2、4、6、8…的子元素,该表达式与关键字even等价。 2n+1匹配位置为1、3、5、7…的子元素、...
As with other pseudo-classes, the:last-child pseudo-class can be clustered with other selectors such as: hover, for instance, to choose the selected element with hover styles. Pseudo-elements can also be chained to::before and::after. The last child selector is often known as a Structural...
W3C标准手册中的选择器如下表(共52个):SelectorExampleExample descriptionCSS.class.introSelects all elements with class="intro"1#id#firstnameSelects the elem
The :last-child selector is a pseudo-class that allows you to target an element that is the last child element within its parent. See also:first-child,:nth-child,:nth-last_child, and:only-childselectors. Browser Compatibility The CSS :last-child selector has basic support with the followi...
在 HTML 标记中为元素添加了 id 和 class 属性,就可以在 CSS 选择符中使用ID 和类名,直接选中文档中特定的区域 类属性 类属性就是 HTML 元素的 class 属性,body 标签中包含的任何 HTML 元素都可以添加这个属性.<h1 class="specialtext">This is a heading with the <span>same class</span> as the...
The CSS styles to apply to the nth last child element. Note The :nth-last-child selector is a pseudo-class that allows you to target an element that is the nth last child element within its parent. See also:nth-child,:first-child,:last-child, and:only-childselectors. ...
SelectorExampleExample description elementpSelects all <p> elements #id#firstnameSelects the element with id="firstname" **Selects all elements .class.intro p.introSelects all elements with class="intro" Selects all <p> elements with class="intro" ...
5 CSS :last-child 3 last-child selector with classname? 4 How do I use css last-child? 115 :last-child not working as expected? 0 CSS last-child with class selector 0 css use "last-child" css element with div class selector 0 Targetting a class with :last-child 1 How to...