jQuery:last-childSelector ❮ jQuery Selectors Example Select every <p> element that is the last child of its parent: $("p:last-child") Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage The :last-child selector selects all elements that are the last child of their parent. ...
jQuery :last-child Selector - The :last-child selector in jQuery is used to select the last child element within its parent. This selector is commonly used to apply styles or perform actions on the last child element of a parent. This selector works with
7、子元素选择器 :nth-child(index/even/odd) 从 1 算起,匹配子元素等于 index/even/odd 的元素 :first-child :获取第一个子元素 :last-child :获取最后一个子元素 :only-child :如果当前元素是唯一的子元素,则匹配 8、表单选择器 :input :选取页面中的所有表单元素,包含 select 以及 textarea 元素 :te...
last-child selector Description:Selects all elements that are the last child of their parent. version added:1.1.4jQuery( ":last-child" ) While.last()matches only a single element,:last-childcan match more than one: one for each parent. ...
jQuery( "selector:nth-child(n)" ) 说明 jQuery的:nth-child(n)选择器用于匹配作为父元素下的第n个(或特定顺序的)子元素的元素,将其封装为jQuery对象并返回。 与该选择器相对的是:nth-last-child(n)选择器,用于匹配作为父元素下的倒数第n个(或符合特定倒数顺序的)子元素。
last-child selector 說明:選擇作為其父級的最後一個子級的所有元素。 添加的版本:1.1.4jQuery( ":last-child" ) .last()隻匹配一個元素,而:last-child可以匹配多個元素:每個父元素一個。 例子: 在每個匹配的 div 中找到最後一個 span,並添加一些 css 和懸停狀態。
last-child selector 描述:选择所有父级元素下的最后一个子元素。 添加的版本:1.1.4jQuery( ":last-child" ) :last只匹配一个单独的元素,:last-child选择器可以匹配多个元素:即,为每个父级元素匹配最后一个子元素。 例子: 在每个匹配的 div 中查找最后一个 span ,并加上 CSS 以及增加鼠标悬停效果。
说明: 匹配找到的第一个元素2、:last 用法: $("tr:last") 返回值 集合元素 说明: 匹配找到的最后一个元素.与 :first 相对应.3、:not(selector) 用法: $("input:not(:checked)") 返回值 集合元素 说明: 去除所有与给定选择器匹配的元素.有点类似于”非”,意思是没有被选中的input(当input的 ...
Also in:Selectors>Child Filter :last-child Selector Selects all elements that are the last child of their parent. Also in:Selectors>Child Filter :last-of-type Selector Selects all elements that are the last among siblings of the same element name. ...
The :nth-last-child(n) selector selects all elements that are thenth child, regardless of type, of their parent, counting from the last child. Tip:Use the:nth-last-of-type()selector to select all elements that are thenth child,of a particular type, of their parent, counting from the...