#temp_tablename | ##temp_tablename – The name you assign to the temporary table. You should follow the naming rules in SQL Server when giving names to temporary tables. Prefix them with # or ## to indicate local or global temporary tables. The SELECT INTO has an ON filegroup...
可以使用INSERT INTO语句将查询结果插入到临时表,例如: INSERTINTO#TempTable (Column1, Column2, ...)SELECTColumn1,Column2,...FROMYourTableWHERE... 1. 2. 3. 4. 这段代码将查询结果插入到临时表#TempTable中,插入的列与选择的列应该一致。你需要确保临时表的列与查询结果的列类型相匹配。 结束:查询结...
There is already an object named '#temp' in the database. 在使用select into前,可以先做一下判断: ifOBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp')isnotnulldroptable#tempselect*into#tempfromsysobjectsselect*from#temp 3. 利用select into生成一个空表 如果要生成一个空的表结构,不包含任何数据,可以给定一个恒不等式如...
But I want to allow the insert to happen without having to create the table first, this code works in SQL 2000 but fails in 2005, inserting all fileds into the insert also has it's own issues as some of the fields are delibertly left blank so in some circumstances the data retur...
select*from #temp ⼆. INSERT INTO 1. 使⽤insert into,需要先⼿动创建临时表 1.1 保存从select语句中返回的结果集 create table test_getdate(c1 datetime)insert into test_getdate select GETDATE()select*from test_getdate 1.2 保存从存储过程返回的结果集 create table #helpuser (UserName ...
SELECT INTONameSELECT INTO -- 从一个查询的结果中创建一个新表SynopsisSELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( expression [, ...] ) ] ]* | expression [ AS output_name ] [, ...]INTO [ TEMPORARY | TEMP ] [ TABLE ] new_table[ FROM from_item [, ...] ][ WHERE condition ][ GROUP BY ...
第一种方法,创建临时表 create table #temptable()WHILE @StartID < @EndID BEGIN insert into #temptable SELECT。。。END 第二种方法,使用拼装一个SQL declare @sql nvarchar(2000)WHILE @StartID < @EndID BEGIN 组装一个合适的SQL,使用union all拼起来 set @sql=@sql+''END exec(@...
select*into#tempfromsysobjectswhere1=2select*from#temp 1. 2. 二. INSERT INTO 1. 使用insert into,需要先手动创建临时表 1.1 保存从select语句中返回的结果集 createtabletest_getdate(c1datetime) insertintotest_getdateselectGETDATE() select*fromtest_getdate ...
Issue Description and Expected Result When I try to create a local temporary table in a SQL Server database using the Select into SQL statement, I would expect that the table would be created, and could later be queried or read or droppe...
[INTOnew_table_name] FROMtable_list [WHEREsearch_conditions] [GROUP BY [ALL]group_by_list] [HAVINGsearch_conditions] [ORDER BYorder_list[ASC | DESC] ] 1、select_list描述结果集的列。它是一个逗号分隔的表达式列表。每个表达式同时定义格式(数据类型和大小)和结果集列的数据来源。每个选择列表表达式通...