在SELECT查询中执行存储过程的一种常见方法是使用INSERT EXEC语句。 INSERT EXEC语句允许将存储过程的结果插入到表中。以下是使用INSERT EXEC语句在SELECT查询中执行存储过程的示例: 代码语言:sql 复制 CREATETABLE#tempTable (Column1INT,Column2VARCHAR(50))INSERTINTO#tempTableEXECYourStoredProcedureName@Parameter1='...
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp')ISNOTNULLBEGINDROPTABLE#tempENDSELECT*INTO#tempFROMOPENROWSET('sqloledb','server=severname;uid=uid;pwd=password','exec 数据库名.dbo.pro');--注:此方法执行存储过程无法带参数SELECT*FROM#temp; 4. 将动态SQL语句的结果保存在临时表中 实现方法和上述执行存储过程保存到...
); -- 将动态SQL查询的结果插入表变量 INSERT INTO @table_var EXEC sp_executesql @sql; -- 创建临时表 CREATE TABLE #temp_table ( -- 使用实际的列名和数据类型填充以下字段 column1 datatype, column2 datatype, ... ); -- 将表变量的数据插入临时表 INSERT INTO #temp_table SELECT * FROM @tab...
SELECT C.customerid as Customer,c.city,o.* INTO #VT1 FROM dbo.Customers C,dbo.Orders O SELECT * FROM #VT1 --返回28行数据(4*7) --第二步:处理ON子句,只把那些两个表的customerid匹配的行找出来,我把它们放到VT2中去 SELECT temp.* INTO #VT2 FROM (SELECT * FROM #VT1 WHERE Customer=custo...
NewID() has the same advantage as seeded random: It's evaluated once per row, so "random" values can be assigned to each row in a table in a single query. However, it's evaluatedby the operating system, not T-SQL. In addition, while unique identifiers can be ordered, the comparison...
SqlDbType StateChangeEventArgs StateChangeEventHandler StatementCompletedEventArgs StatementCompletedEventHandler StatementType StrongTypingException SyntaxErrorException TypedTableBase<T> TypedTableBase<T> Constructors Methods Explicit Interface Implementations TypedTableBaseExtensions UniqueConstraint UpdateRowSource Update...
建立in-memory DB和Table (schema_and_data & schema_only) CREATE DATABASE memoryDB ON PRIMARY ( NAME = [E:\SQLDataFile\memoryDB_data] ,FILENAME = 'E:\SQLDataFile\memoryDB_data.mdf' ) ,FILEGROUP [memoryDB_FG] CONTAINS MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA ( ...
Exec执行完就把#t释放了,所以会报#t无效,如果这样就可以:select * into #t from a;然后再检索数据:select * from #t
On the other hand, in the case of SELECT..INTO TABLE.. , the system hits the database only once”. That is not correct. In both statements, the no. of database hits would be the same (for Case 2, you may look into the SQL trace. The no. of DB hits would be 1 ). The ...
Expand table CommandText Returns the command text for the query. (Inherited fromObjectQuery) Context Gets the object context associated with this object query. (Inherited fromObjectQuery) EnablePlanCaching Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the query plan should be cached. ...