Next, we applied thedialogcommand to create a textual menu in themc-style. Finally, we briefly described thezenitycommand to create pure graphical dialogs in the Bash script.
bash命令-select select函数代码示例#!/bin/bash#自定义打印颜色的函数color(){echo -e "[\e[1;$1m$2\e[0m]"}#select输出提示符PS3="Please input your choice $(color 36 'input 0 exit script') : "#select菜单选项 showip showhostname showselinux showim ...
#!/bin/bash while getopts ":a:p:drh" opt; do case "$opt" in a) echo $OPTARG;; esac done 但是如果我的脚本期望./ arg1 [options],我如何告诉getopts跳过arg1? $ ./ -a 1234 1234 $ ./ arg1 -a 1234 $ ./ arg1 $ ./ -a 1234 arg1 12 ...
(6) 如是status, 则如果/var/lock/subsys/SCRIPT_NAME文件存在,则显示“SCRIPT_NAMEis running...” 如果/var/lock/subsys/SCRIPT_NAME文件不存在,则显示“SCRIPT_NAME is stopped...” 其中:SCRIPT_NAME为当前脚本名 #!/bin/bashfstart(){if[-e"$1"];thenecho"Already start"elsetouch$ffecho"Start Su...
当我从源代码编译bazel 0.5.4时 ./编译.sh遇到这个问题: error executing shell command: 'cp 'bazel-out/local-opt/bin/src/main/protobuf/command_server_java_grpc_srcs.jar' 'bazel-out/local-opt/bin/src/main/protobuf/command_server_java_grpc_srcs.srcjar'' failed (Exit 127): bash failed: er...
Modifying the shell script to select pattern Hello, I have script which work 70% of the desired task , the output from is following , however the desired output I require is following . Any piece of suggestion would be great.. thanks in advance, emily #!/bin/bash ... ...
select character in Sheldon Leonard Penny Howard Raj do echo "Selected character: $character" echo "Selected number: $REPLY" done The script will show a menu consisting of items with an associated number and thePS3prompt. When the user inputs a number, thescriptwill output the chosen characte...
/bin/bash # #***#Author: yinzhengjie #QQ:1053419035#Date:2019-11-23#FileName: shell/ The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint!Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #*...
Modifying the shell script to select pattern Hello, I have script which work 70% of the desired task , the output from is following , however the desired output I require is following . Any piece of suggestion would be great.. thanks in advance, emily #!/bin/bash ... ...
(6) 如是status, 则如果/var/lock/subsys/SCRIPT_NAME文件存在,则显示“SCRIPT_NAMEis running…” 如果/var/lock/subsys/SCRIPT_NAME文件不存在,则显示“SCRIPT_NAME is stopped…” 其中:SCRIPT_NAME为当前脚本名 #!/bin/bash fstart () { if [ -e "$1" ]; then ...