2.Shell Programming and Scripting using SELECT sql statement in shell script Hi there I have a database on a remote box and i have been using shell script to insert data into it for example, i could have a script that did this SN=123456 n=server1 m=x4140 sql="UPDATE main SET host...
using SELECT sql statement in shell script Hi there I have a database on a remote box and i have been using shell script to insert data into it for example, i could have a script that did this SN=123456 n=server1 m=x4140 sql="UPDATE main SET hostname='$n',model='$m' WHERE se...
The function is created on the PowerShell command line. The Function command uses the name Search-Help. Press Enter to begin adding statements to the function. From the >> prompt, add each statement and press Enter as shown in the example. After the closing bracket is added, you'...
Here's a cmdlet that can give you just what you need in the middle of a long workday—a little nap. Start-Sleep offers a quick break—for your Windows PowerShell scripts, that is. It's not uncommon to need a quick pause in a script. For example, say you need to start a service...
TypeScript Appendices MySQL Shell for VS Code / SQL / Retrieve Data with SELECT Statements 6.2 Retrieve Data with SELECT Statements Select ID, first name, and last name from sakila.actorSELECT actor_id as ID, first_name as 'First Name', last_name as 'Last Name' from sakila.actor;The...
call the multiple .sql files through Batch script Calling the same function multiple times in the same SELECT statement Can a [non primary key] be referenced as [foriegn key] in other table? Can a uniqueidentifier have a default value? can I access function on remote server through linked se...
If/then statement in Powershell Ignore open files when running compress-archive ignore warning in powershell IIS Remoting The data is invalid Impersonation and PSRemoting Impersonation inside PowerShell script Import a scheduled Task (XML) Import AD module Import Certificate into Cert:\CurrentUser\My...
powerful stuff using 2 lines of PowerShell Script. The reason you can do this is because of the design of Select-String. Select-String is a very cool utility and can make you very productive so let’s drill into it. Note – I had a bug in that script which I’ll correct at the ...
2.2 解析 SQL 语句节点 buildStatementFromContext 接下来就到了我们平时用的最多的了,就是我们的增删改查的语句解析了,我们来看看究竟如何解析的,直接看: privatevoidbuildStatementFromContext(List<XNode>list) {if(configuration.getDatabaseId() !=null) {//调用重载方法构建 StatementbuildStatementFromContext(...