And the select from sql stored procedure output is as follows for this sample. I hope developers will like this alternative solution for SQL Server select from stored procedure and will use in their database development and production environments. If you need to select from stored procedure in ...
Hi I’m new to mysql and need to know how to write an output file from mysql stored procedure. I basically want to select some data from a table and write the result to an output file on the server. I tried the below procedure which seems to run without error, but I never see the...
In this SAP HANA SQLScript tutorial, I would like to show a few alternative ways of returning table data from HANA procedure one of which enables SQL programmers to execute SELECT query from Stored Procedure directly. Create HANA Database Stored Procedure with Output Parameter as Table Type Let'...
INSERT-EXEC The simplest approach that doesn’t require making any changes to your perfectly good stored procedure is to declare a temporary table with the appropriate schema to match what the sproc outputs. Then INSERT the stored procedure’s results into the temp table and SELECT from it. An...
使用JPA,我调用一个2008 R2存储过程,如下所示FROM fFunction(@reportData) 尝试从select语句获得结果时StoredProcedureQuery q = em.createNamedStoredProcedureQuery语句的结果?注意:如果我将testProc简化为一个简单的select (删除两个EXEC语句),JPA代码就 浏览2提问于2016-10-12得票数 2 回答已采纳 ...
I just started learning Dapper in C# but I am having difficulty in executing stored procedures with two or more SQL Statements in one transaction.How do you get the output parameter of a Stored Procedure that contains both Insert and Select statements in C# using Dapper?
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TESTSPROC2 AS select * from test_table order by id_no; GO and viola, a nice result set spits out in Query Analyzer (or a .net application). Answer: Before I go on, let me say I agree that PL/SQL is more powerful. That being said, here are your optio...
(x int) returns int begin declare b int; select into b from a left join b on = a.ref where = x; return b; end // create procedure sp(in x int) begin select, a.ref, from a left join b on = a.ref where = x; end // ...
FROM OPENROWSET ('SQLOLEDB','Server=(local);TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;','set fmtonly off exec master.dbo.sp_who') AS tbl Here’s a slightly more complex (but perhaps ultimately silly) example that joins the output from two stored procedures: SELECT who.loginame AS ...
Re: SELECT Statement in Stored Procedure Causes Error #1312 (ER_SP_BADSELECT) 1760 Peter Brawley June 01, 2010 09:26PM Re: SELECT Statement in Stored Procedure Causes Error #1312 (ER_SP_BADSELECT) 2058 Marty Chang June 03, 2010 08:30PM ...