We can define sp_ExecuteSQL parameters that gets output values from the sql stored procedures, and return output values as variables from the execution of a t-sql procedure. The trick for usingsp_ExecuteSQL OUTPUT Parameterin a SQL Server sp_executesql t-sql statement is declaring the out pa...
Call theExecutecommand (in this case, a call to a stored procedure). Process the rowset and release it by using theIRowset::Releasemethod. Process the return code and output parameter values received from the stored procedure. 示例 The example shows processing a rowset, a return code, and ...
Notice that since all records where inserted at the same time, they all have the sameOderDatevalue. Now I´m going to show how to execute this stored procedure using ADO.NET. It´s very easy, there is a structured data type which can be used to work w...
each result set. The first sample demonstrates how to execute a simple stored procedure returning two result sets. The second sample demonstrates a more complex stored procedure. It accepts an input parameter, further it returns a parameter (an ...
use the SchoolBudgetforDateRange method with the context we have. In order to get an output parameter you need to supply anObjectParameter to the stored procedure call which holds the parameter name and type. After the execution of the stored procedure you can retrieve the ...
In this case, you need to use the second approach, i.e. execute the stored procedure by using an OACommand. The second way to execute stored procedures is to use the OACommand class. With this approach, you have the ability to work with the new lower level ADO API. The Telerik Open...
This topic provides two examples of how to execute a parameterized stored procedure with the Entity Framework. The first example takes one input parameter and returns a collection of entity objects. The second example takes one input parameter and one output parameter and returns a value in the ...
For more information, see How to: Create TableAdapters. If you already have a query on your TableAdapter that calls a stored procedure that returns rows, skip to the next procedure, "To declare an instance of the TableAdapter and execute the query." Otherwise, continue with step 4 to ...
This topic provides an example of how to execute a parameterized stored procedure using EntityCommand. This example uses the stored procedure and data model implemented in How to: Define a Model with a Stored Procedure (Entity Framework). For information about configuring your project, and an ...
The stored procedure is used with the required parameter for a SalesOrderHeaderId. You can find the syntax in the Object Browser as a method on the AdventureWorksEntities namespace: GetOrderDetails(int). The following code runs the stored procedure to return results that are then enumerated in ...