熟悉R的朋友都会知道, dplyr包是对原始的数据集进行清洗、整理以及变换的有力武器之一。但是其使用会...
正如Mikko Marttila所建议的,我认为它与使用enquo和!!一样简单。
Load thetidyversepackages, which includedplyr: library(tidyverse) Demo dataset We’ll use the R built-in iris data set, which we start by converting into a tibble data frame (tbl_df) for easier data analysis. my_data <- as_tibble(iris) my_data ## # A tibble: 150 x 5 ## Sepal.Le...
library(dplyr) # Preserves original order, respects ties top2 <- AGGIA %.% group_by(SP) %.% summarise(IA = max(IA)) %.% filter(row_number(IA) <= 2) # Ordered by max(IA), ignores ties top2 <- AGGIA %.% group_by(SP) %.% summarise(IA = max(IA)) %.% arrange(desc(IA)...
load_data.R library(RSQLite)library(rgdal)library(dplyr)# Use the SQLite databasemy_sqdb=src_sqlite("Data/dataset.sqlite")# Extract the main dataset out of the SQLite databasedf=data.frame(tbl(my_sqdb,sql("SELECT * FROM df WHERE STORE_NAME = @INPUT OF THE FILTER ...
Issue creating local temporary table in SQL Server dB using Select Into SQL statement tidyverse/dplyr#3165 Closed nwstephens commented Nov 21, 2017 It would be helpful to know what OS and what driver you're running. Could you include Sys.info() and dbGetInfo(<connection>)? Author kerry...
首先需要的第一步是活的当前项目的提交历史列表。 然后在特定的版本后,选择 <> 标记,进入这个版本...
# Load the packages library(dplyr) library(broom) lo <- melteddf %>% group_by(variable) %>% do(augment( loess(value ~ Depth, data = .), newdata = data.frame(Depth = seq(min(.$Depth), max(.$Depth), l = 1000)) )) Now we can use that predicted data in a new...
excel对于下拉框较多选项的,需要使用隐藏工作簿来解决,使用函数取值来做选项 选项较少(一般少于5个): private static DataValidation setFewDataValidation(Sheet sheet, String[] textList, int firstRow, int endRow, int firstCol, int endCol) { DataValidationHelper helper = sheet.getDataValidationH...