This tutorial demonstrates how to find and select cells that contain a specific value in Excel. Find and Select Cells by Specific Value Say you have a data set with names in three columns (B, C, and D), as shown below. Toselect all cellsthat contain a specific value (for example,Micha...
We’ll show how to select multiple cells across the table. Method 1 – Select Contiguous Cells in Excel Without Dragging Case 1.1 – Use the Mouse and Shift Key STEPS: Select cell B4. Press and hold the Shift key and click cell B8. This will select the range B4:B8. Read More: How...
Normally if you need to select cells, entire rows or entire columns based on specific criteria in Excel, such as you want to select all cells, which are ending with "Km", you have to search cells one by one and select them manually.Kutools for Excel'sSelect Specific Cellsutility can hel...
Excel Selection Techniques Using Selection Techniques Before you can enter data, you have to select a cell. Before you can change the data, you have to select it. In this section, you'll learn effective, easy Excel selection techniques that enable you to select cells, ranges, and non...
Drag the formula to the next cells to get the output. Read More: How to Select Cells with Certain Value in Excel Method 4 – Use INDEX, SORTBY, RANDARRAY, ROWS, and SEQUENCE Functions to Choose Random Cells Steps: Use the following formula to get a selected cell. =INDEX(SORTBY(B5:B12...
The Microsoft Excel'sGo tocommand can help you select non-adjacent cells or ranges quickly with following steps: 1. Click theHome>Find & Select>Go to(or press theF5key). 2. In theGo Todialog box, enter the cell/range positions in theReferencebox, and click lick theOKbutton. ...
There is no change in selecting the cells or range of cells in Excel. The process of selecting the cells is the same and is shown below: For contiguous cells, select the cell from where you want to create your selection and After that, press and hold the “Shift” button from the keyb...
In Excel, you can select cell contents of one or more cells, rows and columns. Note:If a worksheet has been protected, you might not be able to select cells or their contents on a worksheet. Select one or more cells To select a range, select a cell, then with the left mouse button...
This tutorial demonstrates how to select multiple cells in Excel and Google Sheets. Selecting multiple cells at once can be a timesaver when working with data in Excel. The following methods are useful when, for example, sorting, clearing data, working with named ranges, resizing cells, copy-...
Address, "$", "") & vbCr End If Next If sMsg = "" Then sMsg = "No merged cells." End If MsgBox sMsg End Sub Copy 3。按 F5 鍵以運行此宏,所有合併的單元格都在彈出對話框中列出。 看截圖:相關文章 如何在Excel中的受保護工作表中允許合併單元格? 默認情況下,受保護的工作表不允許用戶...