Method 3 – Use the Name Box to Select a Range of Cells in Excel Enter B5:C10 in the Name Box above the upper left corner of the dataset. You will see the range selected as shown in the following picture. If you enter B:B or C:C then the entire column B or column C will be...
Method 1 – Combining RAND, INDEX, and RANK.EQ Functions to Select Random Cells in Excel Steps: Create two new columns with the headings Random Value and Random Cells. Use the following formula in the first cell under the Random Value column. =RAND() Press Enter, and the cell will show...
Select a cell with the necessary fill color, go toSelect by Value / Colorand pick the second option,All Cells with the Same Background, to use color as a condition for highlighting cells in the data range: This will select all cells with the same fill color and display a notification wi...
If you’re looking to speed up your workflow, Excel also provides a range of keyboard shortcuts for selecting cells. Some of the most common keyboard shortcuts include: Ctrl+A:This selects the entire sheet. Shift+Spacebar:This selects the entire row for the active cell. ...
Select cells with similar formatting by Find and Replace feature Microsoft Excel’s Find and Replace feature supports to search for cells with special formatting. Therefore, we can select cells with similar formatting by this feature easily in Excel. 1. Select the range that you will select ...
Deselect Cells in Excel Deselect the Entire Columns in Excel Select Cells or Ranges in Excel Related Tutorials Latest Video Sorry, the video player failed to load.(Error Code: 101102)So far Excel had no option to deselect the cells or a range from the selected range of cells. So, no...
Application.Goto ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(6, 5) -or- Application.Goto (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("E6")) Or, you can activate the worksheet, and then use method 1 above to select the cell:VB Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Activate ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 5).Select...
This tutorial demonstrates how to select multiple cells in Excel and Google Sheets. Selecting multiple cells at once can be a timesaver when working with data in Excel. The following methods are useful when, for example, sorting, clearing data, working with named ranges, resizing cells, copy-...
There are several different methods for selecting a block of cells in Excel, or extending an existing selection with more cells.
Column) Range(FirstCell, LastCell).Select End Sub Copy Step 3: Press the F5 key to run this macro. Then it selects used range in active worksheet immediately.Select all non-blank cells in the active worksheet with Kutools for Excel If you have Kutools for Excel installed, you can ...