U盘启动出现select CD-ROM BOOT TYPE然后再怎么办 你这个BIOS设置为光驱启动了..需要重新进入BIOS设置为U盘启动..
iso镜像直接刻录识别不出来的,因为没有引导区。最好用u盘来安装。把iso镜像放在桌面上,插入8g的u盘,让boot camp制作安装盘。这样引导区就可以制作好了。重启电脑后应该就可以识别出来了。需要改安装文件,请看:http://blog.csdn.net/fax5201314/article/details/7485494intel的c会这样,重做系统镜像,...
Drive对象,包含用来获得和操作驱动器的方法和属性。驱动器不一定是硬盘,也可以是CD-ROM、U盘甚至是网络硬盘。 Drives 集合,提供驱动器的列表,这些驱动器以实物或在逻辑上与系统相连接。Drives集合包括所有驱动器,与类型无关。 File对象,包含用来创建、删除或移动文件的方法和属性。 Files集合,提供包含在文件夹内的所...
LaunchBIOSand navigate to the Boot section. Select CD-ROM Drive as the primary boot source. Press F10 to Save and Exit. Select your preferences for language, time zone, and keyboard layout. Click onNextand thenInstall Now. SelectRepair your computerand enterStartup Options. Click onTroubleshoot...
Fix 1. Simply check if the boot device is detected To install and boot Windows 11 on your computer, you can use internal hard drive, an external drive like USB or SSD, optical CD/DVD ROM drive, and network adapter. If you start Windows 11 using a bootable USB or SSD, you may encoun...
If the disk you want to start Windows 10/8/7 from is not the first boot device, please set it as the first boot device. If the Windows installation medium does not enjoy boot priority, please set CD-ROM or removable device as the first boot device. How to select boot device? The “...
Set and boot your computer from "Removable Devices" or "CD-ROM Drive". And then EaseUS Partition Master will run automatically. Step 3. Rebuild MBR Click "Toolkit" and choose "Rebuild MBR". Select the disk and the type of MBR. Then, click "Rebuild". After that, you can see "MBR ...
Win32_CDROMDrive, // 光盘驱动器 Win32_BaseBoard, // 主板 Win32_BIOS, // BIOS 芯片 Win32_ParallelPort, // 并口 Win32_SerialPort, // 串口 Win32_SerialPortConfiguration, // 串口配置 Win32_SoundDevice, // 多媒体设置,一般指声卡。 Win32_SystemSlot, // 主板插槽 (ISA & PCI & AGP) Wi...
PXE-MOF: Exiting Intel PXE ROM.Reboot and select proper boot deviceor insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key Le message vous demander de sélectionner un périphérique correct et redémarrer l’ordinateur ou d’insérer un média amovible pour démarrer dessus. ...
First/Second/Third Boot Device(第一、二、三个启动设备)选项:Floopy、LS120、CDROM、HDD-0、HDD-1、HDD-2、HDD-3、S-ATA、SCSI、LAN、USB、Disabled此项目用来让用户设置第一、二、三个设备的启动顺序,可以设置为软驱、LS120驱动器、光驱、(第0,1,2,3块)硬盘、串行ATA接口、SCSI卡,以及网络和USB启动等...