Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - Game of the Year Edition Global player ratings 4.66Average rating 4.66 stars out of five stars from 52280 ratings 52280 ratings 87% 4% 2% 1% 6% Game and Legal Info This Game of the Year Edition now includes bonus content*: ...
Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - Game of the Year Edition Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.66Average rating 4.66 stars out of 5 stars from 52094 ratings 52094 ratings 87% 4% 2% 1% 6% Game and Legal Info This Game of the Year Edition now includes bonus content*:- Reflection...
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice ist ein anspruchsvolles Third-Person-Action-Abenteuer, das im blutigen Japan des 14. Jahrhunderts spielt. Du schlüpfst in die Haut eines in Ungnade gefallenen Kriegers, der am Rande des Todes stand und nun seinen Meister retten und seinen Erzfeind besiegen muss. ...
Game of 2019 - IGN Metacritic Must Play Over 50 awards and nominations Carve your own clever path to vengeance in the critically acclaimed adventure from developer FromSoftware, creators of the Dark Souls series. In Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice you are the 'one-armed wolf', a disgraced and...
Game Awards 2019 Beste Actiegame 2019 - IGN Metacritic Must Play Meer dan 50 prijzen en nominaties Hak je op slimme wijze een weg naar wraak in het door recensenten bejubelde avontuur van ontwikkelaar FromSoftware, de makers van de Dark Souls-reeks. In Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice ben ...
Game of 2019 - IGN Metacritic Must Play Over 50 awards and nominations Carve your own clever path to vengeance in the critically acclaimed adventure from developer FromSoftware, creators of the Dark Souls series. In Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice you are the 'one-armed wolf', a disgraced and...
Sekiro:Shadow die Twice只狼:影逝二度 制作:From Software 发行:Activison 导演:Hidetaka Miyazaki 作曲:Yuka Kitamura 时间:2019.03 评价:杰作/92 不是玩家们喜欢造神,但是当下真的还有比宫崎英高更风光的游戏制作人吗,“只狼”的出现,打破了所有曾经的质疑,他所开创的这一套“魂”玩法真就是目前最适合动作游戏的...
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice est un jeu d'aventure intense à la troisième personne, se déroulant dans le Japon sanglant du XIVe siècle. Incarnez un guerrier en disgrâce ayant échappé de peu à la mort, chargé de protéger son maître et de se venger de son ennemi juré. ...
以50% 折扣的价格在PlayStation Store区官方商店中购买 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice — Game Of The Year Edition